Publication Information
This report documents the process of model development and the final models developed for the prediction of key portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement distress types and roughness. The models were developed using Long-Tem Pavement Performance (LTPP) data. Mechanistic-empirical models were developed for the following distress types: transverse joint faulting, transverse joint spalling, transverse cracking, and corner breaks. The roughness models developed were empirical.
The positive outcome of this study was the development of mechanistic~based performance models for use in pavement design and management. This is expected to provide expanded capabilities for considering the effect of load and climate~related stresses on PCC pavement performance. The development of mechanistic-based models reflects current trends of upgrading the pavement design and evaluation process through the use of mechanistic-based design methods.
This report is for everyone who designs, constructs, and manages pavements.