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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
Office of Research, Development and Technology at the Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center

Development and Use of the LTPP Analysis-Ready Materials Dataset

Publication Information

Publication Type:
Technical Report
Publication Number:

The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program has a wealth of materials information and data from almost every program test section, as well as from a well-structured laboratory materials testing program to further classify and characterize pavement layers.

Therefore, the program developed a process to generate LTPP Analysis-Ready Materials Dataset (ARMAD). This dataset summarizes the material properties for every layer in the database, which has the benefit of substantially reducing researchers’ time and making the data more accessible to all. The ARMAD dataset is now available on the LTPP InfoPave™ web portal (FHWA 2022a). This report provides the objectives, rationale, process, and results of the development of the ARMAD dataset and is useful to transportation agencies, consultants, and researchers who will use ARMAD to exploit LTPP data to gain knowledge into the how and why of pavement performance, which is the primary goal of the LTPP program.



Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration, Development and Use of the LTPP Analysis-Ready Materials Dataset (Washington, DC: 2023)

Publishing Date:
December 2023
Posting Date:
Digital Object Identifier:
Afsharikia, Zahra
Groeger, Jonathan
Gardner, Lauren
Ostrom, Barbara
Rada, Gonzalo
Publishing Office:
Office of Infrastructure Research and Development
FHWA Program(s):
AMRP Program(s):
Pavements and Materials
FHWA Activities:
Long-Term Pavement Performance
Subject Area: