Publication Information
In 2015, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) initiated a project titled Identification of Effective Next-Generation Pavement Performance Measures and Asset Management Methodologies To Support MAP-21 Performance Management Requirements (FHWA n.d.a). This report documents research undertaken as part of this project’s second phase to test, refine, and validate several next-generation pavement performance measures and a proposed transportation asset management methodology (TAMM) implemented in pilots at three State departments of transportation (DOTs) and FHWA.
This report should be informative to pavement management and bridge management engineers, asset managers, and State DOT executives responsible for highway investment and programming decisions. Additionally, highway data collection service providers and asset management vendors may find this information useful.
Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration, Development of Next-Generation Pavement Performance Measures and Asset Management Methodologies to Support MAP-21 Performance Management Objectives (Washington, DC: 2024)