Publication Information
The objective of this investigation was to provide bridge engineers with a practical methodology for projecting timing of corrosion-induced, post-tensioned (PT) tendon failures caused by a grout deficiency or deficiencies. Bridge tendons can be more susceptible to corrosion than conventional reinforcement with no indication that this is taking place, and failures from deficient grout–induced corrosion have been reported as soon as 2 yr post construction. Of particular concern are situations where the PT grout exhibits either chemical deficiencies (elevated chlorides beyond the allowable limit specified by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and other specifications or free sulfates, or both), physical deficiencies (soft, chalky, separated, segregated grout with air voids and free water), or a combination of these. Failure of relatively few tendons can compromise overall structural integrity.
The results of this study provide bridge owners with a practical protocol for projecting the timing of corrosion-induced tendon failures, given the extent of any grout deficiency or deficiencies, and thereby for responding to concerns arising therefrom.