Publication Information
This report describes long-term natural weathering exposure testing of the remaining 31 post-Southern Exposure (SE) test slabs that were not autopsied during the 1993–1998 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research project. The samples were exposed from September 1998 to December 2002 at an outdoor test yard in Northbrook, IL. The 1993–1998 research program involved testing more than 52 different bar materials and, consequently, 12 different bar types were selected for long-term durability tests in concrete exposed to the very aggressive SE test, which involved alternating wetting with 15 weight percent NaCl solution and drying cycles for 96 weeks. Periodic macrocell corrosion current between top and bottom mats and short-circuit potential data were collected during the exposure test rogram. Upon termination of the test program, autopsy and subsequent laboratory analysis was performed on the test slabs.