Human Factors Laboratory Publications
- Collecting and Analyzing Stakeholder Feedback for Signing at Complex Interchanges. Report No. FHWA-HRT-14-069, (2014). Lichty, M.G.; Bacon, L.P.; Richard, C. Federal Highway Administration.
- Assessing Driver Reactions to Two Collision Warning Systems – Findings for from a Simulation Experiment. (2014). Balk, S.A.; Yang, C.Y.D. Institute of Transportation Engineers.
- Simulator Study of Signs for a Complex Interchange and Complex Interchange Spreadsheet Tool. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-047, (2013). Fitzpatrick, K.; Chrysler, S.; Brewer, M.; Nelson, A.; Iragavarapu, V. Federal Highway Administration.
- Evaluation of Restricted Crossing U-turn Intersection As a Safety Treatment on Four-Lane Divided Highways. Inman, V.W.; Haas, R. P.; Yang, C.Y.D. (2013). Institute of Transportation of Engineers.
- Driver Expectations When Navigating Complex Interchanges. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-048, (2013). Richard, C.; Lichty, M. Federal Highway Administration. Â
- Field Evaluation of a Restricted Crossing U-turn Intersection. Report No. FHWA-HRT-11-067, (2012). Inman, Vaughan W.; Haas, Robert, P. Federal Highway Administration.
- They’re Small But Powerful. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-001, (2012). Zhang, W.; Bared, J.; Jagannathan, R. Federal Highway Administration.
- Use of Limits Method to Characterize Individual Driver Responses to the Yellow Change Interval at Signalized Intersections. (2011). Inman, V. Transportation Research Record.
- An Evaluation of Signing for Three-Lane Roundabouts. Report No. FHWA-HRT-10-030, (2010). Federal Highway Administration.
- Double Crossover Diamond Interchange. Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-054, (2009). Hughes, W.; Jagannathan, R.; Federal Highway Administration.
- Alternative Intersections/Interchanges: Informational Report (AIIR). Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-060, (2009). Hughes, W.; Jagannathan, R.; Sengupta, D.; Hummer, J. Federal Highway Administration.
- Evaluation of Sign and Marking Alternatives for Displaced Left-Turn Intersections. Report No. FHWA-HRT-08-071, (2009). Inman, V.W. Federal Highway Administration.
- Evaluation of Signs and Markings for Partial Continuous Flow Intersection. (2009). Inman, V.W. Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting.
- Effects of In-Vehicle and Infrastructure-Based Collision Warnings at Signalized Intersections. Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-049, (2009). Inman, V.W.; Davis, G.W. Federal Highway Administration.
- Test Track and Driving Simulator Evaluations of Warnings to Prevent Right-angle Crashes at Signalized Intersections. FHWA-HRT-08-070, (2008). Inman, V.W.; Davis, G.W.; El-Shawarby, I.; Rakha, H.A. Federal Highway Administration.
- Evaluation of Driver Deceleration Behavior at Signalized Intersections (2007). El-Shawarby, I.; Rakha, H.A.; Inman, V.W.; Davis, G.W. Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting.
- Drivers’ Evaluation of the Diverging Diamond Interchange. Report No. FHWA-HRT-07-048, (2007). Inman, V.W. Federal Highway Administration.
- Synthesis of Literature Relevant to Roundabout Signalization to Provide Pedestrian Access. (2007). Inman, V.W.; Davis, G.W. Federal Highway Administration.
- Lane restriction marking and signing for double-lane roundabouts. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2007). Molino, J.A.; Inman, V; W.; Katz, B.J.; Emo, A.
- Lane Line Markings in Advance of Lane Transitions. Report No. TPF-5(316), (2016) Balk, S., Jackson, S
- Evaluating Driver Performance on Rural Two-Lane Horizontal Curved Roadways Using a Driving Simulator. Report No. FHWA-HRT-12-073, (2012). Bertola, M.; Balk, S.A.; Shurbutt, J. Federal Highway Administration.
- Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems, Second Edition. NCHRP Report 600, (2012). Campbell, J.L.; Lichty, M.G.; Brown, J.L.; Richard, C.M.; Graving, J.; Graham, J.; et al. Transportation Research Board.
- "The Use of a High-Fidelity Real-Time Driving Simulator for Geometric Design." (2011). Granda, T. M., Davis, G. W., Molino, J. A., & Inman, V. W. In Fisher, D.; Rizzo, M.; Caird, J.; Lee, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Driving Simulation for Engineering, Medicine, and Psychology (Chapter 34). CRC Press/Taylor and Francis.
- Simulator Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements on Rural, Two-Lane, Undivided Roads: Nighttime Delineation for Curves and Traffic Calming for Small Towns. Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-06, (2010). Molino, J.A.; Katz, B.J.; Hermosillo, M.B.; Dagnall, E.E.; Kennedy, J.F.; Federal Highway Administration.
- Exploration of Appropriate Intervals for Locating Speed Limit Signs. (2008). Inman, V. W.; Miller, S.; Tackett, S.D.; Molino, J.A.; Zineddin, A.Z. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Comparison of Driver Yielding for Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons Used Above and Below Pedestrian Crossing Signs. Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-041, (2016). Fitzpatrick, K., Avelar, R., Brewer, M., and Lindheimer, T.
- Road User Behaviors At Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons, Report Number FHWA-HRT-16-039. (2016). Fitzpatrick, Pratt, M.
- Countdown Pedestrian Signals Legibility and Comprehension without Flashing Hand. Report No. TPF-5(316). (2015). Van Houten, R., and DeLaere, G.
- Investigating Improvements To Pedestrian Crossings With An Emphasis On The Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-044, (2015). Fitzpatrick, K., Avelar, R., Potts, I., Brewer, M., Robertson, C., Fees, C., Hutton, J., Lucas, L., and Bauer, K.
- Impacts Of Led Brightness, Flash Pattern, And Location For Illuminated Pedestrian Traffic Control Device. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-042, (2015). Fitzpatrick, K., Avelar, R., and Robertson, J.
- Comparison Of Driver Yielding For Three Rapid-Flashing Patterns Used With Pedestrian Crossing Signs. Report No. FHWA-HRT-041, (2015). Fitzpatrick, K., Avelar, R., Robertson, J., and Miles, J
- "Why Did the Pedestrian Cross the Road?". Report No. FHWA-HRT-14-004, Public Roads, May/June 2014. Federal Highway Administration. Ann H. Do, Stacy A. Balk, and Jim W. Shurbutt
- Human Factors Assessment of Pedestrian Roadway Crossing Behavior. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-098, (2014). Balk, S.A.; Bertola, M.A.; Shurbutt, J.W.; Do, A.H. Federal Highway Administration.
- Where Pedestrians Cross the Roadway. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-099, (2013). Balk, S.A.; Bertola, M.A.; Shurbutt, J.W.; Do, A.H. Federal Highway Administration.
- A Distance-based Method to Estimate Annual Pedestrian and Bicyclist Exposure in an Urban Environment. Report No. FHWA-HRT-11-043, (2011). Molino, J.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Inge, P.J.; Bertola, M.A.; Beuse, P.A.; Fowler, N.L.; Emo, A., Do. Federal Highway Administration.
- Analysis of Potential Need for Enlarged Pedestrian Countdown Signals From a Visibility Perspective. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2009). Molino, J.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Hermosillo, M.B.
- Pedestrian and Bicyclist Exposure to Risk: Methodology for Estimation in an Urban Environment (with Discussion and Closure). (2009). Molino, J.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Johnson, F.; Johnson, P.L.; Beuse, P.A.; Emo, A. Transportation Research Record.
- Intersection Conflict Warning System Human Factors: Final Report. Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-061, (2016). Perez, W.; Bertola, M.A.; Philips, B.
- Active Traffic Management: Comprehension, Legibility, Distance, and Motorist Behavior in Response to Selected Variable Speed Limit and Lane Control Signing. Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-037, (2016). Perez, W.; Bertola, M.A.; Philips, B.
- Intersection Conflict Warning System Human Factors Study. Report No. TPF-5(316), (2016). Inman, V.; Jackson, S.
- Lane Line Markings in Advance of Lane-Reduction Transitions. Report No. TPF-5(316), (2016). Balk, S.; Jackson, S.
- Guide Sign Design. Report No. TPF-5(316), (2015). Katz, B.; Kissner, E.
- Information as a Source of Distraction. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-027, (2015). Vaughan W. Inman, V.W., Bertola, M.A., and Philips, B.H., Federal Highway Administration.
- Warning Sign Legends for Emergency Incidents. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2014). Graving, J.S.; Bacon, L. P.
- Evaluation of Elongated Pavement Marking Signs. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2014). Chitturi, V.M., Noyce, D.A., Santiago-Chaparro, K.R., Alsghan, I.
- Active Traffic Management Signs and Drivers’ Speed Selection in a Driving Simulator, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society – 58th Annual Meeting, 2245–2249, (2014). Perez, W.A.; Jeffers, M.A.B.; Philips, B.H.
- Business Logo Signing: Evaluation of Number of Logo Panels on Specific Service Signs. (2013). Dagnall E.E.; Katz, B.J.; Bertola, M.A.; Shurbutt, J. (2013). Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Proceedings.
- Evaluation of Truncated Arrow-per-lane Guide Signs. Report No. 14-4039, (2013). Dagnall, E.E.; Katz, B.J.; Bertola, M.A.
- Traffic Sign Detection and Identification. (2013). Inman, V.W.; Philips, B.H. Presented at the 2013 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Daytime Color Appearance of Retroreflective Traffic Control Sign Materials. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-018, (2013). Molino, J.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Beuse, P.A.; Miller, C.C.; Davis, W.; Anderson, C.K. Federal Highway Administration.
- Driver Visual Behavior in the Presence of Commercial Electronic Variable Message Signs (CEVMS). Report No. FHWA-HEP-11-014, (2013). Perez, W.A.; Bertola, M.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Molino, J.A.
- Active Traffic Management Sign Comprehension. (2013). Perez, W.A.; Philips, B.H. 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Traffic Control Device Conspicuity. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-043, (2013). Philips, B. Federal Highway Administration. Â
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station Signs: An Evaluation of Driver Comprehension and Perceived Risk. (2012). Dagnall, E.E.; Katz, B.J.; Bertola, M.A. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Comprehension and Legibility Evaluations of International and Domestic Non-Standard Symbol Signs. (2012). Katz, B.J.; Dagnall; E. E.; O'Donnell, C.C. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2298, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
- Evaluation of Combined Lane Use and Destination Sign Alternatives for Overhead-mounted Guide Signs on Multilane Conventional Road Intersection Approaches. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2011). Golembiewski, G.A.; Katz, B. J.; Dagnall, E.E.; Bertola, M.A.
- Development of a Uniform Standard for Guide Sign Design: State of Practice for Freeway Guide Signing. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2011). Kehoe, N.; Katz, B.J., Cobb, D.
- Design and Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs Phase II. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2010). Katz, B.J., Dagnall, E.E.; O’Donnell, C.; Emo, A. Federal Highway Administration.
- Simulator Evaluation of Low-cost Safety Improvements on Rural, Two-lane, Undivided Roads:Â Nighttime Delineation for Curves and Traffic Calming for Small Towns. Report No. 10-2750, (2010). Molino, J.A.; Katz, B.J.; Hermosillo, M.B. Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting.
- Evaluating Understanding of New Symbol Signs. Report No. 09-1357, (2009). Hawkins, H.G., Katz, B.J.; Rigdon, H.M. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting.
- Evaluating Recognition Distance of Proposed Alternative Symbol Sign Designs. Report No. 09-2544, (2009). Katz, B.J.; Kennedy, J.F.; Hawkins, H.G. Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting.
- Evaluation of Signs and Markings for Partial Continuous Flow Intersection. (2009). Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting.
- The Effects of Commercial Electronic Variable Message Signs (CEVMS) on Driver Attention and Distraction: An Update. Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-018, (2009). Molino, J.A.; Wachtel, J.; Farbry, J.E.; Hermosillo, M.B.; Granda, T.M. Federal Highway Administration.
- Diagrammatic Freeway Guide Sign Design. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2008). Golembiewski, G.A.; Katz, B.J. Federal Highway Administration.
- Design and Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2008). Katz, B. J.; Hawkins, H.G.; Kennedy, J.F.; Howard, H.R. Federal Highway Administration.
- Determination of Effective Design of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Speeds on a Controlled Roadway. Report No. 08-1253, (2008). Katz, B.J.; Molino, J.A.; Rakha, H.A. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.
- Evaluation of Design Alternatives of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Vehicle Speeds and Center Line Encroachment in a Driving Simulator. Report No. 08-1251, (2008). Katz, B.J.; Rakha, H.A. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.
- Assessing the Distraction Potential of Changeable Highway Message Signs (2015). Inman, V.I., Philips, B. H. In Proceedings of the 2015 8th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Breakthroughs in Vision and Visibility for Highway Safety. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-067. (2015). McInnis, C., and Morton, T.
- Daytime Color Appearance of Retroreflective Traffic Control Sign Materials. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-018, (2013). Molino, J.A.; Kennedy, J.F.; Beuse, P.A.; Miller, C.C.; Davis, W.; Anderson, C.K. Federal Highway Administration.
- The Accuracy of Drivers' Judgments of the Effects of Headlight Glare: Are We Really Blinded by the Light? (2011).Balk, S.A.; Tyrrell, R. Paper presented at the 2011 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- The Effect of Visual Clutter on Driver Eye Glance Behavior. (2011). Perez, W.A.; Bertola, M.A. 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Analysis of Potential Need for Enlarged Pedestrian Countdown Signals From a Visibility Perspective. Report No. TPF-5(065), (2009). Molino, J.A.; Katz, B.J., Kennedy, J.K.; Hermosillo, M.B. Federal Highway Administration.
- Driver Responses to Incongruent V2V and V2I Safety Critical Information in Left-Turn Across Path Scenarios (2017). Richard, C., Liberty Hoekstra-Atwood, L., Philips, B.H., Christian Jerome, C. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 61st Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Human Factors Study: Experiment 1—Workload, Distraction, Arousal, and Trust. Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-056 (2016). Inman, Vaughan W., Jackson, Steven, and Philips, Brian H. Federal Highway Administration
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Human Factors Study: Experiment 2—Merging Behavior. Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-057 (2016). Balk, Stacy A., Jackson, Steven, and Philips, Brian H. Federal Highway Administration
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Human Factors Study: Experiment 3—The Role of Automated Braking and Auditory Alert in Collision Avoidance Response (2016). Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-058. Inman, Vaughan W., Jackson, Steven, and Philips, Brian H. Federal Highway Administration
- Multiple Sources of Safety Information from V2V and V2I: Redundancy, Decision Making, and Trust—Safety Message Design Report. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-007. (2015). Richard, C.M., Morgan, J.F., Bacon, L.P., Graving, J.S., Divekar, G., and Lichty, M.G.
- Human Factors Design Guidelines for V2I Driver-Infrastructure-Interface Displays (2015). Richard, C., Philips, B.H., Morgan, J., Graving, J., and Jerome, C. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 59th Annual Meeting, 1631-1635, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Human Factors Analysis. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-045, (2013). Jones, S. Federal Highway Administration.
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Critical Human Factors Issues and Research Questions. (2013). Jones, S.M.; Philips, B.H. Presented at the 2013 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation in the Dilemma Zone. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-082. (2015). Kim, S., Son, Y.J., Jeffers, M.A., Williams, J., Chie, Y.C.
- A Centralized Approach to Pedestrian Localization Using Multiple Odometry Sources. Pierce, J. D.; Bevly, D. M. Proceedings of the 2015 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Dana Point, California, January 2015
- Making Driving Simulators More Useful for Behavioral Research-Simulator Characteristics Comparison and Model-Based Transformation Summary Report. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-016, (2015). Philips, B.; Morton, T. Federal Highway Administration.
- Exploratory Advanced Research: Making Driving Simulators More Useful for Behavioral Research – Simulator Characteristics Comparison and Model Based Transformation. Document No. N2013-016, (2014). Lee, J. D.; Ward, N.; Boer, E., Brown, T.L.; Balk, S.A.; Ahmad, O.
- Utilizing Various Data Sources for Surface Transportation Human Factors Research. Document No. FHWA-HRT-14-077, (2014). Romo, A.; Bianka, M.; Yang, C.Y.D. Federal Highway Administration.
- Exploratory advanced research: Making driving simulators more useful for behavioral research - Simulator characteristics comparison. (2013). Lee, J.D.; Boer, E.; Ward, N.; Brown, T.; Balk, S.A.; Ahmad, O.
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control and Driver Merge Type Acceptance (2016). Balk, S., Jackson, S., and Philips, B.H. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 59th Annual Meeting, 1382-1386, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Driver Performance in a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control String (2016). Vaughan, V.W., Steven Jackson, S., and Philips. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 59th Annual Meeting, 1183-1187, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- The Evolving Role of Automation in Transportation: Human Factors Lessons Learned from the Different Modes (2016). Allahyar, M., Becic, E., Chappell, S., Fisher, D. Lohrenz, D. Monk, C., Philips, B. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 59th Annual Meeting, 1964-1968, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Leveraging the Second Strategic Highway Research Program Naturalistic Driving Study: Examining Driver Behavior When Entering Rural Highspeed Intersections. Report No. FHWA-HRT-17-06 (2016). Jackson, S. Federal Highway Administration
- Where the Laboratory Meets the Road . Report No. FHWA-HRT-16-001. (2015). Wallick, B., and Arnold, M.
- The Science and Art of Putting Drivers Under The Microscope. (2015). Romo. A.; Yang, C.Y.D. Report No. FHWA-HRT-15-003. Public Roads.
- Simulator Sickness Questionnaire: Twenty Years Later. (2013). Balk, S.A.; Bertola, M.A.; Inman, V.W. Presented at the 2013 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Why Drivers Do What They Do. Document No. FHWA-HRT-13-002, Public Roads (2013).
- A visual comparison of a single scenario in three driving simulators. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. (2012) Balk, S.A.
- Developing a Driver-Centric Roadway Classification System with Multidimensional Scaling. (2011). Balk, S.A.; Inman, V.W.; Perez, W. Paper presented at the 2011 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.
- Operating Characteristics of the Segway Human Transporter. Report No. FHWA-HRT-10-025, (2010). Miller, S.; Kennedy, J.; Molino, J.; Emo, A.; Rousseau, G.; Tan, C.; Do, A. Federal Highway Administration.
- Requirements for Transportation Management Center (TMC) Human Factors Guidelines. Document No. SPR-2(207), (2009). McCallum, M.; Campbell, J.; Brown, J. Federal Highway Administration.
- Using a Subjective Rating Scale in a Driving Simulator to Predict Real-world Stimulus-response Relationships Concerning Nighttime Delineation for Curves. Document No. 08-2595, (2008). Molino, J.A.; Katz, B.J.; Donnell, E.T.; Opiela, K.S.; Moyer, M.J. Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.
Last updated: Thursday, October 20, 2022