FHWA-HRT-24-047.pdf (1.96 MB)
Publication Information
Publication Type:
Fact Sheet
Publication Number:
This fact sheet provides an overview of the role of a Partner Agency for the Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF). The responsibilities include:
- Contact the designated lead agency on the TPF study to join.
- Post fund contribution and agency contact information to the TPF study web page and update as needed.
- Commit and transfer funding contributions to a designated lead agency after receiving an acceptance letter from the lead agency.
- Designate a funding contact to oversee the partner agency’s funding commitments to the project.
- Appoint a technical advisory committee member.
- Receive communications about the project’s approval and quarterly status reports on research progress and final project deliverables.
Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration, Your Role as a Partner Agency (Washington, DC: 2024) https://doi.org/10.21949/1521481
Publishing Date:
February 2024
Posting Date:
Digital Object Identifier:
Publishing Office:
Research and Technology Program Development and Partnership Team
FHWA Program(s):
AMRP Program(s):
Safety Data and Analysis
Subject Area: