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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
Office of Research, Development and Technology at the Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center

Concrete Laboratory Publications

Technical Reports

  1. Influence of Aggregate Characteristics on Concrete Performance. Tanesi, J., Beyene, M., Kim, H., Muñoz, J., Ardani, A., Bentz, D., Arnold, J., Boisclair, M, Jones, S., Rothfeld, P., and Stutzman, P. NIST Technical Note 1963, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD, 2017.  
  2. Evaluation of High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) Mixtures (Paste And Mortar Components) Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and an Isothermal Calorimeter. Report No. FHWA-HRT-12-062, (July 2012). Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A.; Meininger, R.; Nicolaescu, N. Federal Highway Administration.
  3. Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology—The Concrete Pavement Road Map: Volume I, Background and Summary. Report No. FHWA-HRT-05-052, (September 2005). Ferragut, Theodore R.; Harrington, Dale; Brink, Marcia. Federal Highway Administration.
  4. Freeze-thaw resistance of concrete with marginal air content. Report No. FHWA-HRT-06-118, (2006). Tanesi, J.; Meininger, R. Federal Highway Administration.
  5. Surface Resistivity Test Evaluation as an Indicator of the Chloride Permeability of Concrete. Report No. FHWA-HRT-13-024, (2012). Federal Highway Administration.

Publications in Referred Journals

  1. Super Air Meter for Assessing Air-Void System of Fresh Concrete. Tanesi, J.; Kim, H.; Beyene, M.; Ardani, A. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials. Accepted for publication 04/11/2016. In printing. 
  2. Multi-scale investigation of the performance of limestone concrete Bentz, D.; Ardani, A.; Barrett, T.; Jones, S.; Lootens, D.; Peltz, M.; Sato, T.; Stutzman, P.; Tanesi, J.; Weiss, J. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 75, Jan 2015.
  3. Interlaboratory Study and Precision Statement for the AASHTO T 336 Test Method. Gudimettla, J.; Crawford, G.; Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2015.
  4. Effects of Nanomaterials on the Hydration Kinetics and Rheology of Portland Cement Pastes. Wang, X.; Wang, K.; Tanesi, J.; Ardani. A. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Journal of the American Society for testing and Materials, ASTM, Vol. 3, issue 2, November 2014.
  5. Enhancing the Performance of High Volume Fly Ash Concretes Using Fine Limestone Powder. Tanesi, J.; Bentz, D.; Ardani, A. ACI SP 294 – Advances in Green Binder Systems. American Concrete Institute, Michigan, October 2013.
  6. Isothermal Calorimetry as a Tool to Evaluate Early Age Performance of Fly Ash Mixtures. Tanesi, J; Ardani, A. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2342, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.
  7. Ruggedness Study on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete Test Method (AASHTO T336). Tanesi, J.; Gudimettla, J.; Crawford, G.; Ardani, A. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2342, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.
  8. Reducing the Specimen Size of Concrete Flexural Strength Test (AASHTO T97) for Safety and Ease of Handling. Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A.; Leavitt, J. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2342, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.
  9. New AASHTO 336-09 Coefficient of thermal expansion test method: how will it affect you? Tanesi, J.; Crawford, G.; Nicolaescu, M.; Meininger, R.; Gudimettla, J. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2164, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2010.
  10. Interlaboratory Study on Measuring Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete. Crawford, G.; Gudimettla, J.; Tanesi, J. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2164, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, Washington, DC, 2010.
  11. Durability of an Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete. Graybeal, B.; Tanesi, J. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 10, October 2007.
  12. Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Concrete with Marginal Air Content. Tanesi, J.; Meininger, R. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2020, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2007.
  13. Effect of CTE test variability on concrete pavement performance as predicted using the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide. Tanesi, J.; Kutay, E.; Abbas, A.; Meininger, R. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2020, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, Washington, DC, 2007.

Conference Papers

  1. Influence of aggregate properties on concrete mechanical performance. Tanesi, J.; Bentz, D.; Jones, S.; Beyene, M.; Kim, H.; Arnold, J.; Stutzman, P. Transportation Research Board 96th annual meeting. Washington D.C., January, 2017.
  2. Impact of deicing salts on transport properties of concrete. Kim, H.; Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A. Transportation Research Board 96th annual meeting. Washington D.C., January, 2017.
  3. Analysis of the impact of deicing salts on transport properties of concrete – preliminary results. Kim, H; Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A. 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP). San Antonio, Texas, September 2016.
  4. The effect of nano materials on HVFA mixtures. Tanesi, J.; Munoz, J.; Kim, H.; Ardani, A. Fifth International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (NICOM-5), Springer International Publishing, May 2015, (pp. 421–426).
  5. Super Air Meter for Assessing Air-Void System of Fresh Concrete. Tanesi, J.; Kim, H.; Beyene, M.; Ardani, A. 94th TRB Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC, 2015.
  6. Gudimettla, J.; Crawford, G.; Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A. Effect of Specimen Saturation on Concrete Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. 94th TRB Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC, 2015.
  7. Tanesi, J., Munoz, J., Kim, H., Ardani, A., and Bentz, D. “Concrete of the future: Overcoming the challenges of using low portland cement mixtures”, ACI Spring Convention, March 2014, Reno, NV.
  8. Evaluation of High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) Mixtures (Paste and Mortar Components) Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and an Isothermal Calorimeter (Interim Results). Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A.; Meininger, R.; Nicolaescu, N. FHWA International Conference on LLCP. Seattle, September 2012. 
  9. A Cementitious Long-Life Wearing Course to Reduce Frequency of Maintenance Works on High-Traffic Roads. de Larrard, F.; Chandler, J.; Christensen, J.; Hammoum, F.; Henrichsen, A.; Himerik, T.; Sliwa, N.; Tanesi, J.; Thoegersen, F.; Vorobieff, G.; White, J.; Youtcheff, J. Transport Research Arena Europe, Ljubljana, Slovénie, April 2008.
  10. Lab of the Future—Mixture Design and Analysis for Optimized Concrete Paving Performance. Meininger, R.; Tanesi, J. International Conference on Optimizing Paving Concrete Mixtures and Accelerated Concrete Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2007.
  11. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion – Its role in concrete pavement performance. Tanesi, J.; Meininger, R.; International Workshop on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements. Editors: Jose Balbo, Lev Khazanovivh, Kathleen Hall. Recife, Brazil, October 2007.
  12. Measurement of the coefficient of thermal expansion for use in concrete pavement design. Tanesi, J.; Meininger, R.; Nicolaescu, M.; Kutay, E. and Abbas, A. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Characterisation of Pavement and Soil Engineering. Editor(s) Andreas Loizos, Tom Scarpas, Imad L Al-Qadi, June 2007, Athens, Greece.
  13. The PCC Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Input for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. Hossain, M.; Khanum, T.; Tanesi, J.; Schieber, G.; Montney, R. 85th TRB Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC, 2006.


  1. Ternary Blends for Controlling Cost and Carbon Content. Bentz, D.; Tanesi, J.; Ardani, A. Concrete International, August 2013.
  2. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete – Changes to test method will enhance pavement designs. Tanesi, J.; Crawford, G.; Gudimettla, J.; Ardani, A. Concrete International, Vol. 34, 4, April 2012.