Research Publications and Periodicals Overview
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publishes many research reports and publications. If the publication you seek is not on the list, you may contact the research webmaster to help you find it.
List of FHWA Research Periodicals
Public Roads
Public Roads is the bimonthly magazine of the FHWA. Reading Public Roads is the easiest way to keep up-to-date on developments in FHWA policies, programs, and research and technology.
Research Newsletters
The FHWA R&T Now is a newsletter that contains information and updates about research, technology, and development from the FHWA.
The LTBP News is part of the FHWA's Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program. The newsletter is published quarterly to inform you about the progress and activities of the program. Brief updates on progress in important program activities are provided, including data collection, data releases, new products and publications, and data analysis.
LTPP Newsletter
The LTPP Newsletter is part of the FHWA's Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program. The newsletter is published triannually to inform you about the progress and activities of the program. Brief updates on progress in important program activities are provided, including data collection, data releases, new products and publications, pooled fund studies, and data analysis.
Transportation Operations Research and Development (R&D) Update
Transportation Operations Research and Development (R&D) Update, is the quarterly publication of the FHWA (FHWA) Office of Operations R&D. The update is a convenient way to learn more about transportation operations research being conducted by FHWA and to identify opportunities to collaborate with FHWA on ongoing efforts. It also covers upcoming publications, presentations, events, and recent activities at and upgrades to the Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory at TFHRC in McLean, VA.
AMS Biannual Update
The AMS Biannual Update – Analysis, modeling, and simulation (AMS) helps Federal Highway Administration and its State and local partners to support investment decisions for the transportation system. This biannual AMS Update will be distributed via email and on this website. Potential users include traffic operations engineers, simulation engineers, and State departments of transportation.
Archived Periodicals
Research Newsletters
Focus, was published monthly by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) between 1996 and 2014. The content covered the implementation of innovative infrastructure technologies, including bridge technology, pavement technology, asset management, program administration, winter maintenance, and work zone safety. The archives are available by year and month published.
NDEC Newsletter
The NDEC Newsletter was published a few times by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Center. The archives online cover the year 2000 and 2010.
Research & Technology Transporter
The Research & Technology Transporter was an FHWA research and technology (R&T) publication issued under FHWA's R&T Program. The 8-page newsletter communicated R&T developments from FHWA program offices to engineers in the field and professionals in the industry. This publication ended with the September 2006 issue. The archive issues online cover years 1996 to 2006 and are available by year and month published.