SafetyAnalyst Support
Project Information
The objective of this project is to: (1) support participating States; efforts to prepare their data and conduct hands-on testing and evaluation of SafetyAnalyst; (2) complete development of SafetyAnalyst in preparation for its long-term distribution, maintenance, technical support, and enhancement as an AASHTOWare product.
- Safety
- FY 2002-2022 / Safety / Safety Data and Analysis
Upon completion, SafetyAnalyst was transferred to AASHTO for long-term distribution, technical support, maintenance, and enhancement as a licensed AASHTOWare product. Use of SafetyAnalyst will lead to more cost-effective safety investment decisionmaking and, ultimately, more fatal and injury crashes avoided per dollar invested. [Source: Research Impacts: Better-Faster-Cheaper (2010)]
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan