National Traffic Dataset Applications for Air Quality and Noise Analysis
Project Information
This project explored several air quality and noise applications of the national performance management research data set (NPMRDS), highway performance monitoring system (HPMS), and travel monitoring analysis system (TMAS) national traffic datasets. These applications have the potential to improve the accuracy of vehicle emissions and noise modeling and to assist state and local stakeholders in preparing local estimates of traffic data as inputs to vehicle emissions and noise models.
From these data sources, a composite database and associated analysis tools, database for air quality and noise analysis (DANA), was developed. DANA provides traffic-related inputs to the motor vehicle emission simulator (MOVES) vehicle emissions model and the traffic noise model (TNM). DANA provides real-world measurements of traffic conditions for use in environmental analyses. In the past, analysts relied almost exclusively on transportation models to generate base year traffic data, an often-cited shortcoming of transportation emission and noise analyses. By having these data already compiled, environmental analysts are spared the task of assembling the data.
From the above data sources, DANA creates outputs two air quality-related data sets and a combined traffic data set for a spreadsheet-based noise tool, TNMAide. The datasets are:
- Link-Level Data Set—For every NPMRDS link (NHS roadways) for every hour of the year, combined traffic data and emission rates by vehicle type are provided.
- MOVES County-Level Input Data Set—the following MOVES input types are provided: Average Speed Distribution; Vehicle Type VMT, Road Type Distribution; Hour VMT Fraction; Day VMT Fraction; and Month VMT Fraction.
- Traffic data summaries for TNMAide—TNMAide is a separate spreadsheet tool that provides: Noise Worst Case Hour Analysis and 24-Hour Traffic Distribution for Noise Analysis.
- DTFH6117D00008
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Modeling and Analysis Tools
- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
- Data and Analysis
- DANA tool (beta version)
- DANA Tool User Guide
- DANA Tool Factsheet
- TNMAide Tool
- TNMAide User Guide
- Decrease noise and air quality analyst burden for collecting, aggregating, and formatting traffic data for MOVES, TNMAide and TNM
- More consistent traffic aggregation – results less dependent on analyst methodology
- Improved insight into data gaps
- Better understanding of the use of new NPMRDS speed data for air and noise
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan