MOVES3 Sensitivity Analysis: Regional Level
Project Information
In November 2020, the US Environmental Protection Agency released the latest version of the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator, MOVES3.0, the regulatory model for developing emission inventories from highway vehicles. Building off previous sensitivity analyses of earlier model releases, MOVES2010 and MOVES2014, this projects involves testing the influence of certain local inputs on emission results that have been shown to be highly sensitive. The MOVES3 sensitivity analysis will assess the relative impact of four county-scale inputs:
- Truck hoteling.
- Off-network idle.
- Average speed distributions.
- Age distributions.
Truck hoteling, average speed, and age default data have been updated for MOVES3 while off-network idle was added for this release. This task aims to identify which of these regional inputs will be the most impactful for state transportation agencies and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to invest budget into collecting or procuring data for improved emission inventories.
- 693JJ319N300053
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Modeling and Analysis Tools
- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
The primary deliverable of this task will be a FHWA report summarizing MOVES3 sensitivity testing results.
- Ranking/categorizing regional inputs by relative emissions impact.
- Comparisons back to prior MOVES2010 and MOVES2014 sensitivity analyses.
- Information to help state and local agencies to prioritize data collection efforts and dataset purchases for creating MOVES inputs.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan