Development of a Toolkit Guide on Separated Bicycle Lanes on Higher Speed
Project Information
The contractor shall synthesize existing research on the potential benefits and obstacles, existing design and planning guidance, and identify separated bike lanes in the U.S. that have been implemented on higher speed (40+ mph) roadways. Using information from the case studies, the contractor shall develop materials that include information references, agency policies, processes, and other resources and procedures that can help agencies overcome obstacles to implementing separated bike lanes on higher speed roads. The toolkit guide should include:
• Research-based evidence about the potential benefits of separated bike lanes on higher speed roads,
• Examples of policies and design guides encouraging their uses,
• Discussion of known obstacles to implementation, such as maintenance cost concerns,
• Discussion of considerations for full reconstruction versus retrofit within existing curb lines,
• Example cross-sections for common separated bike lane design scenarios,
• Case study examples.
- N/A
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- Policy
- Safety
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Connectivity, and Multimodal Mobility, including for Underserved Communities
- Pedestrian / Bicycle
Report to be complete at the end of CY2022
Project will inform FHWA policy and technical assistance related to design advice and guidance for recommending bicycle facilities on the types of roadways managed by State DOTs
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan