Development of Crash Modification Factors (17 Project Titles)
Project Information
Under development of crash modification factors (DCMF), develop reliable crash modification factors; find new statistical methodologies and improve existing ones; conduct crash modification factors (CMFs) gap analysis, research needs, and stakeholder meetings; determine high-priority national safety concerns and their corresponding focus States for systemic safety improvements and evaluations; and other tasks as required.
Studies include safety evaluation of:
- Multiple strategies at signalized intersections.
- Turning movement restrictions at stop-controlled intersections.
- Horizontal curve realignment on rural, two-lane roads.
- Edge-Line rumble stripes on rural two-lane horizontal curves.
- Profiled thermoplastic pavement markings.
- Cable median barriers in combination with rumble strips on the inside shoulder of divided roads.
- Red-light indicator lights at intersections.
- Signalized restricted crossing U-turn intersections.
- Corner clearance at signalized intersections.
- Multiple strategies at stop-controlled intersections.
- Pedestrian countdown signal.
- Centerline plus shoulder rumble strips.
- Wet reflective pavement markers.
- Intersection warning sign.
- Green T intersection.
- Enhancing the statistical methods.
- CMFs workshop.
- DTFH61-13-D-01001
- Safety
- FY 2002-2022 / Safety
- Development of Crash Modification Factors Program
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan
Contact Information
Management Organizations
Sponsor Organization
Managing Organization
Performing Organization
- Safety Evaluation of Horizontal Curve Realignment on Rural, Two-Lane Roads
- TechBrief:
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Turning Movement Restrictions at Stop-Controlle…
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Edge Line Rumble Stripes (ELRSs) on Rural, Two-…
- Safety Evaluation of Profiled Thermoplastic Pavement Markings
- Safety Evaluation of Cable Median Barriers in Combination with Rumble Strips on…
- Safety Evaluation of Cable Median Barriers in Combination with Rumble Strips on…
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Cable Median Barriers in Combination with Rumbl…
- Safety Evaluation of Red Light Indicator Lights at Intersections
- Safety Evaluation of Red-Light Indicator Lights (RLILs)
- Safety Evaluation of Restricted Crossing U-Turn Intersection
- Safety Evaluation of Corner Clearance at Signalized Intersections
- Safety Evaluation of Corner Clearance at Signalized Intersections
- Safety Evaluation of Multiple Strategies at Stop-Controlled Intersections
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Multiple Strategies at Stop-Controlled Intersec…
- Safety Evaluation of Pedestrian Countdown Signals
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Pedestrian Countdown Signals
- Safety Evaluation of Centerline Plus Shoulder Rumble Strips
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Centerline Plus Shoulder Rumble Strips
- Safety Evaluation ofWet-Reflective Pavement Markings*
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Wet-Reflective Pavement Markings
- TechBrief: Safety Evaluation of Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (ICWS)
- Safety Evaluation of Continuous Green T Intersections
- Safety Evaluation of Continuous Green T Intersections
- White Paper: Enhancing Statistical Methodologies for Highway Safety Research—Im…
- Summary Report: Crash Modification Factors Needs Assessment Workshop