Alkali-Silica Reaction Research For Objectives 1 And 2
Project Information
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has initiated alkali-silica reaction (ASR) development and deployment program consistent with the requirements of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation. The objective of this research is to eliminate/reduce the deteriorating effects of ASR in highway concrete structures even when exposed to adverse natural environment and/or additionally altered by the use of cost-effective deicers/chemicals. The results from this research will directly support ongoing efforts to improve the durability of highway infrastructure, including pavements, bridges, and other concrete highway structures. The proposed ASR research activities have four objectives. Objective 1 is: Advancing the fundamental understanding of ASR mechanism and develop a concrete mixture design process resistant to ASR phenomenon. Objective 2 is: Developing a reliable, improved, rapid, laboratory test method to evaluate concrete mixture design to predict field performance.
- Infrastructure
- FY 2002-2022 / Infrastructure / Pavements and Materials
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan