Addressing Changing Demographics in Environmental Justice Analysis, State of Practice
Project Information
This report documents how metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), State departments of transportation (DOT), and other transportation agencies are adapting environmental Justice (EJ) analysis techniques to understand transportation impacts in communities undergoing rapid demographic change. The report also highlights national demographic trends, showing significant change in the size and location of low-income and minority households. These changes are documented in a series of State- and county-level maps demonstrating absolute and percent change in minority populations, low-income populations and limited English proficiency populations between the 1990-2010 decennial census periods. Based on the state of practice review, the report also highlights strategies for addressing changing demographics in EJ analysis and provides five case studies that document best practices from State DOTs and MPOs in areas undergoing rapid demographic change. Practices highlighted in this report offer practitioners improved methods for understanding and responding to demographic change in EJ communities across the lifecycle of a transportation action.
- DTFH6117D00010
- Order 0004
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- Policy
- Safety
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Connectivity, and Multimodal Mobility, including for Underserved Communities
- Human Factors
Report completed in Winter 2019
Project provided resources for State DOTs and MPOs to use when considering environmental justice populations in travel demand modeling and other long range planning efforts.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan