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Office of Research, Development and Technology at the Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center

LTPP Products

Products derived from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program have been made available to State departments of transportation and other segments of the highway community since the early years of the program. Initially, these were methods, guidelines, and procedures for standardized testing and performance data collection. While these procedures were developed to meet LTPP data-collection needs, their conversion into standard practices has been an American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) activity. Some products and benefits from LTPP already in use are based on best-practice construction specifications developed for the pavement experiments requiring new construction, while other products were developed from early analysis of LTPP data.

Throughout the life of the LTPP program, significant efforts have been made to improve data accessibility for all potential users. At least once a year for more than a decade, standard data releases containing data from the LTPP database have been made available on DVDs, USB drives, and more recently, the Internet. )

Products and Software Available on InfoPaveTM:

  • LTPP InfoPave™
    Launched in 2014, LTPP InfoPave™ enables users to easily tap into the wealth of pavement performance data, products, and knowledge available by the LTPP program. The Web-based system offers a gateway to data from the LTPP test sections, as well as findings from data analyses and extensive documentation for the many aspects of LTPP experiment design, data acquisition, quality control, and data dissemination. Visitors can access LTPP InfoPave™ at They can also find information on the LTPP InfoPave™ Mobile app, a companion application for smart phones.  
  • LTTP Climate Tool
    The LTPP Climate Tool can be found in the Tools hub of InfoPave™. It uses multiple data presentation options including climatic maps and graphs Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) climatic data, developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is used to present a climatic map. The map features data on temperature, precipitation, humidity, solar, and wind.
  • LTPPBind
    LTPPBind Online is a web-based tool to help highway agencies select the most suitable Performance Grade (PG) binder for a particular site based on the AASHTO M320-10 and AASHTO M332-14 standards. Algorithms for high and low temperature are the same as LTPPBind 3.0/3.1 according to AASHTO M323-13.  LTPPBind Online allows use of MERRA climatic data, LTPP climatic data, or user data for asphalt binder grade calculations.
  • Rigid Pavement Design Software
    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that automates the design and analysis procedures for improved guidelines for cement concrete pavements as published in the 1998 Supplement to the AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures, Part II - Rigid Pavement Design & Rigid Pavement Joint Design.

Other Highly-Used LTPP Products:

The following documents provide additional information on LTPP products:

  • Product Plan
    The LTPP program’s guiding document to develop products for the highway community.
  • Product List
    The LTPP program’s guiding document to develop products for the highway community.
  • Summary of Key Benefits
    Description of key products developed between 1989 and 2015.