Long-Term Pavement Performance Program Data Analysis
The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program data analysis projects takes the raw data collected from the program's more than 2,500 pavement test sections and converts them into useable information. The projects address a broad array of topics—from field validation of pavement design procedures, to studies of variability in traffic and materials data, to the investigation of the development of pavement roughness. Some analysis findings have led to the development of products, such as the Rigid Pavement Design software and LTPPBind. All analysis findings provide valuable insight and direction to guide future LTPP data collection and analysis efforts.
Since 1999, the national level analysis of the LTPP data has been guided by the “Strategic Plan for Long-Term Pavement Performance Data Analysis.” The Strategic Plan was developed by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Expert Task Group on LTPP Data Analysis, recommended by the TRB LTPP Committee and adopted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as the basis for selecting LTPP analysis projects and evaluating progress in the program's data analysis activities. The plan sets forth strategic objectives supporting the goal "to develop knowledge, relationships, and models to facilitate improved pavement design and reliable performance predictions." Each strategic objective, in turn, is supported by several more focused "product objectives," which are color-coded to represent criticality and numbered to indicate sequencing.
The Expanded Data Analysis Plan, which is an up-to-date version of the Strategic Plan, shows ongoing, completed, and anticipated near-term LTPP data analysis projects, as well as closely related National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects.
The LTPP Data Analysis Plan on LTPP InfoPave™ allows access to past research reports and projects. This feature has two tabs: list view and pivot view. The list view tab of this feature allows users to view and prioritize research reports on the basis of different attributes and selection criteria. The pivot view lets users find research projects that are completed, in progress, or planned using LTPP data.
More information on key findings from past analyses is available from:
Y. "Jane" Jiang, P.E.
Team Leader
Long-Term Infrastructure Performance Team
Email: jane.jiang@dot.gov
Office: (202) 493-3149