FlexMAT™ for Cracking Version 2.1
FlexMAT™ for Cracking is a Microsoft® Excel-based analysis tool for characterizing dynamic modulus and cracking of asphalt pavement mixtures from Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) test results. This includes determining the 2S2P1D dynamic modulus master curve coefficients and time-temperature shift factors. It analyzes the AMPT cyclic fatigue test results (AASHTO TP133) to provide inputs to FlexPAVE™ cracking evaluation. These inputs include damage characteristic curve coefficients, failure criteria coefficients, ageing parameters, and the coefficient of thermal contraction. The analysis also supports balanced mix design and production evaluation by calculating the Sappindex cracking parameter from the test data.
Additional information can be found in the TechBrief, Cyclic Fatigue Index Parameter (Sapp) for Asphalt Performance Engineered Mixture Design, 2019. (FHWA-HIF-19-091).