Program Overview
The Research and Technology Program (R&T) is one component of the Research, Technology, and Education (RT&E) Program.
The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) RT&E Program strives to generate new solutions, build more effective partnerships, and provide better information and tools for decisionmaking, which will enable the Nation to enhance and make the best investments in the U.S. transportation system.
FHWA’s RT&E program supports research and development (R&D) to improve safety; the mobility of people and goods; stimulate growth, productiveness, and competitiveness; reduce congestion; improve durability and extend the life of transportation infrastructure, accelerate project delivery, and the transition to a transportation system that provides an approach that serves all road users with access to mobility options to reduce preventable and fatal injury.
The program accelerates the adoption of proven innovative practices and technologies as standard practices to significantly improve: safety, system efficiency, infrastructure health, reliability and performance, and a balanced approach to provide livable/sustainable communities across the Nation.
The FHWA’s role in the RT&E Program is to provide leadership to address current and emerging needs facing the Nation’s transportation system. The FHWA is committed to working collaboratively with its partners to define the direction of research efforts and develop the roadmaps needed to achieve results, especially because these partners may implement these technologies and innovations.
The responsibility of the RT&E program is to develop and deliver the solutions that meet current challenges and future needs. The entire innovation life cycle is covered under the RT&E program umbrella—including agenda setting; research and development; technology testing and evaluation; and deployment and impact evaluation of market-ready technologies and innovations. Additionally, the RT&E program is committed to providing superior training and education to transportation professionals.
Strategic Approach
- Corporate Master Plan (CMP) for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (FHWA-RD-03-077).
- State Planning and Research Guide for Peer Exchanges (FHWA-HRT-10-048).
- FHWA, State Departments of Transportation (DOT), and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) Rights to Copyrighted and Patented items developed with FHWA Planning and Research Funds.
- Guidance on Use of FHWA Planning & Research Funds for Travel and Training.
- Transportation Pooled Fund Program Guidelines.
- FHWA Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance.
- State Planning and Research Program Research, Development, and Technology Transfer Program Management Guidance for Implementing 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart B.
- Memo: State Planning and Research Funds Overhead/Indirect Cost Rate Guidance.
- 2018 SPR Guidance.
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
- Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
- U.S. Code, Title 23, Chapter 5
- 23 CFR Part 420
- 2 CFR Part 200
For complete information about Titles 23 and 2 of the CFR, visit the Government Printing Office (GPO) United States Code website.