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Complete Streets Website

An image from the Complete Streets website showing potential cross section improvements on a suburban arterial. |
Complete Streets Website
The majority of States and hundreds of local jurisdictions across the country have adopted Complete Streets policies that strive to build streets that are safe, and feel safe, for all users. The Federal Highway Administration is focused on supporting transportation agencies to accelerate the implementation of a safe, connected, and equitable transportation network for travelers of all ages and abilities—particularly those from underserved communities facing historic disinvestment. Building Complete Streets combines innovations from multiple transportation disciplines to achieve safe, connected, and equitable street networks. The Complete Streets website serves as a portal to FHWA’s extensive resources and trainings, and also includes links to resources from other organizations to assist in planning, designing, and operating streets for the safety of all users. The site emphasizes resources for transforming project development through a Complete Streets implementation strategy for arterials and provides methods and measures of success for evaluating the outputs and outcomes of Complete Streets.
For more information, contact Anthony Boutros at
Focused Approach to Safety
Since 2004, the FHWA Office of Safety has used the Focused Approach to Safety (FAS) to identify areas of opportunity and to offer priority assistance to Focus States with the goal of reducing fatalities and serious injuries on the Nation’s highways. Periodically, the FAS is adjusted and updated based on current data and program evaluations. In October 2021, the FAS was updated again using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fatality Analysis Reporting System, FHWA highway statistics, and U.S. Census data for a 6-year period covering 2014–2019. The update process confirmed the focus areas of roadway departure, intersections, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and rigorous data analysis and screening identified new Focus States. For more information, visit, or contact Jeffrey Shaw at or 202-738-7793.
Proven Safety Countermeasures Initiative Update
The FHWA Office of Safety recently introduced nine new countermeasures to the Proven Safety Countermeasures initiative (PSCi). These additions enhance the already diverse set of safety strategies for State, local, regional, and Tribal transportation professionals to consider implementing as part of their efforts to improve safety for all users on the Nation’s roadways. In addition to the 9 new countermeasures and crosscutting strategies, this most recent iteration of the PSCi updates the materials for the existing proven safety countermeasures to reflect the latest research, applications, and considerations for implementation. New website features, including a filter tool and search function, will help practitioners identify applicable countermeasures that meet their needs.
FHWA believes that widespread implementation of proven safety countermeasures, where appropriate, will accelerate the achievement of local, State, and national safety goals. The updated Proven Safety Countermeasures website is the one-stop shop for resources and information to advance the safety countermeasures in your jurisdiction.
For more information, visit, or contact Phillip Bobitz at
Anthony Boutros is a transportation specialist in FHWA’s Office of Safety.
Jeffrey Shaw is the Intersection Safety Program Manager in FHWA’s Office of Safety.
Phillip Bobitz is a safety engineer in FHWA’s Office of Safety.

FHWA’s nine new proven safety countermeasures. |