Wow! Public Roads has just turned 75.
Its longevity is a testament to its importance to the community of highway engineers and other transportation officials.
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Lane Marking
Pavement markings save lives and reduce congestion.
Highway, Bridge, and Transit Conditions and Performance: 1993
Our nation's productivity and international competitiveness depends on fast and reliable transportation.
H3: The Island Interstate
To those on the mainland United States, visions of Hawaii usually bring thoughts of relaxing on a white, sandy beach during the long, warm, tropical days, sipping on a fruity drink while an...
A New Approach to Public-Private Cooperation in Transportation Research
As a result of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) and the enlightened vision of planners in the Department of Transportation (DOT), transportation research has a...
The Highway Perspective of Side Impacts
This paper incorporates opening remarks presented at the Society for Automotive Engineers International Congress and Exposition held in Detroit, Michigan, on March 1-5, 1993.
New Research
NCP Category A -- Highway Safety
The following new research studies reported by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Research and Development are sponsored in whole or in part with federal highway funds.
Along the Road
Along the Road
"Along the Road" is a hodgepodge of items of general interest to the highway community.