Cooperative Driving Automation: Reducing Traffic Congestion
FHWA’s Cooperative Driving Automation Program is leveraging the CARMA℠ Ecosystem to test technologies that promise safer and more efficient travel in the future.
Partnering for Resilience: The Southeast Michigan Flooding Risk Tool
SEMCOG and MDOT partnered to complete a study to assess flooding risk for roads, bridges, culverts, and pump stations in a seven-county region in Southeast Michigan.
The Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Applying Lessons Learned From 30 Years of Innovation
ITS JPO celebrates transforming the way society moves.
Doing the Right Thing: Building a Road and Preserving a Community—The Newtown Pike Extension Project
Unique community involvement, temporary housing, and a community land trust successfully ensure environmental justice and equity for a roadway construction project in Lexington, KY.
Guest Editorial
Intentional Actions Can Create Pathways to Equity
Transportation leaders can take meaningful action on equity and provide opportunities for all.
Hot Topic
Equity in Transportation
The U.S. Department of Transportation and State departments of transportation have a great opportunity to address perceived inequities in transportation across the country.
Along the Road
Along the Road
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community. This information comes from...
Training Update
Training Update
To avoid the pitfalls in utility construction projects, learn the best techniques to coordinate utility activities—virtually—from the comfort of your own home or office.