Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Monday, Apr. 8, 1996
Neural Network Applications in Highway Engineering Conference
Washington, D.C.
Sponsors: FHWA, The George Washington University
Contact: Dr. Morton Oskand, FHWA
(703) 285-2416
Monday, Apr. 15 - Thursday, Apr. 18, 1996
ITS AMERICA 6th Annual Meeting
Houston, Texas
Contact: Bonnie Jessup
(202) 484-2896
Monday, Apr. 29 - Thursday, May 2, 1996
IRF Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C
Sponsor: IRF
Contact: IRF
(202) 554-2106
Sunday, May 5 - Thursday, May 9, 1996
1996 National Traffic Data Acquisition Conference (NATDAC '96)
Albuquerque, N.M.
Sponsors: N.M. State Highway and Transportation Department,
Alliance for Transportation Research, FHWA
Contact: Nancy Whalen, ATR
(505) 246-6410
Tuesday, May 14 - Wednesday, May 15, 1996
7th Annual Transportation Research Conference
Minneapolis, Minn.
Sponsor: Center for Transportation Studies at University of Minnesota
Contact: Catherine Ploetz
(612) 626-2259
Fax: (612) 626-1632
Monday, June 17 - Wednesday, June 19, 1996
3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Sponsor: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Contact: Dr. Mohd Warid Hussin
(607) 5503216
Fax: (607) 5566157
Wednesday, July 10 - Friday, July 12, 1996
Annual Mississippi Valley Conference on State Highway and Transportation Officials
Chicago, Ill.
Sponsor: AASHTO
Contact: Marnie Barch
(847) 705-4119
Fax: (847) 705-4468
Sunday, August 4 - Wednesday, August 7, 1996
1996 Annual LTAP Conference
New Orleans, La.
Sponsor: Local technical Assistance Program
Contact: La. LTAP Center
(504) 767-9136
Saturday, Aug. 24 - Thursday, Aug. 29, 1996
International Public Works Congress and Exposition
Washington, D.C.
Sponsor: AFWA
Contact: AFWA
(816) 472-1610
Wednesday, Sept. 11 - Friday, Sept. 13
Fifth International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles Orlando, Fla.
Sponsors: University of Florida, FHWA, TRB
Contact: Prof. F.C. Townsend
(904) 392-0926
Sunday, Sept. 29 - Thursday, Oct. 3, 1996
4th World Congress on Joints and Bearings
Sacramento, Calif.
Sponsor: American Concrete Institute
Contact: David Stafford
Fax: (508) 660-1022
Friday, Oct. 4 - Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1996
AASHTO Annual Meeting
Buffalo, N.Y.
Sponsor: AASHTO
Contact: Hanna Whitney
(202) 624-5800
Monday, Oct. 14 - Friday, Oct. 18, 1996
3rd ITS World Congress
Orlando, Fla.
Contact: Chris Body
(202) 484-4131
Saturday, Oct. 19 - Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1996
IBTTA 64th Annual Meeting
Rome, Italy
Sponsor: International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association
Contact: Janet M. Chaikin
(202) 659-4620
Fax: (202) 659-0500
Wednesday, Oct. 23 - Friday, Oct. 25, 1996
National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures
Madison, Wis.
Sponsor: FHWA, USDA Forest Products Laboratory
Contact: Diann Campbell
(608) 231-9244
Fax: (608) 231-9592
Sunday, October 27 - Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1996
IBTTA 64th Annual Meeting
Rome, Italy
Contact: Janet M. Chaikin
(202) 659-4620
Fax: (202) 659-0500
Sunday, Oct. 27 - Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1996
ATA Management Conference and Exhibition
San Antonio, Texas
Sponsor: ATA
Contact: Gail Wright
(703) 838-1755
Tuesday, Dec. 3 - Thursday, Dec. 5, 1996
Symposium on Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques for Aging Infrastructure
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Sponsor: The International Society for Optical Engineering and Manufacturing
Contact: SPIE
(360) 676-3290
Fax: (360) 647-1445