Training Update
Delivering Solutions for a World in Motion
The National Highway Institute (NHI)
901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22203
Frequently Asked Questions About CEUs
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) reflect an investment in your professional development. They represent one way you account for your efforts to expand and update your knowledge of subjects (e.g., concepts, techniques) in your particular area of expertise. The National Highway Institute (NHI) frequently receives queries about the award of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Here are some examples that may help answer your questions.
Question: How many CEUs will I earn for each course?
Answer: The number of CEUs awarded depends on the length of the training course. The number is listed in the course description, which can be found in our course catalog and in our on-line catalog on our web site at As a rule, NHI awards 1 CEU for every 10 hours of instruction.
Question: I am approaching the renewal of my Professional Engineer's license. What kind of documentation must I furnish the licensing office?
Answer: In most cases, licensing offices accept copies of certificates of completion as proof of attendance, together with copies of course descriptions indicating the number of CEUs earned. In addition to keeping record of their professional development at home, most individuals ensure that their supervisors and personnel offices receive copies of any documentation. They like to think of it as an "insurance policy."
Coming Soon
The course Advanced Urban Travel Demand Forecasting for Large Urban Areas (Course #15260) is being polished and will be available in the Fall. This three-and-a-half-day course builds upon the introductory travel demand forecasting course, emphasizing advanced practices for travel demand modeling at the system level in large urban areas.
A variety of topics are covered in this course, such as:
- Advanced practices for modeling of trip generation inputs.
- Trip generation.
- Trip distribution.
- Mode choice.
- Time-of-day analysis.
- Traffic and transit trip assignment.
- Feedback loops.
- Model validation and reasonableness checks.
Issues such as the travel impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are also discussed. This course is unique because NHI will sponsor the course, allowing individuals from any jurisdiction or company to enroll. Usually, NHI courses are sponsored by a state department of transportation, which offers a course primarily to its own employees. If this proves to be a successful approach, NHI will consider scheduling other courses in a similar manner.
Check every issue of Public Roads for the latest training and educational activities of the NHI.