One Extraordinary Barn
Traveling along Interstate 35 in north central Iowa, just south of the Minnesota border, you might think the bright red barn and checked silo are just another part of the Iowa landscape. However,...
Bridging The Centuries: Moving Virginia'S Bridge Program Into The 21st Century
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has the enormous job of maintaining 90,000 kilometers of highways - the third largest state-maintained highway system in the United States.
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
Repairing bumpy, rutted, pot-holed pavements - although necessary - is one of the biggest inconveniences to motorists today. Especially if the pavement happens to be at a busy downtown...
The First Channel Bridges
In the transportation industry, we are always on the lookout for new construction materials or methodologies that will allow us to improve our transportation systems at a lower cost, reduce...
Staying in The Loop: The Search for Improved Reliability of Traffic Sensing Systems Through Smart Test Instruments
The average commuter spends more than 40 minutes on the road going to work and coming home again. Much of this time is spent waiting at traffic signals. Many drivers have had the experience of...
Editor's Notes
Change Is Good!
Some people will never change, even if they really believethat change is in their best interests. How many times have you heardsomeone say, "I'm too old to change.
Internet Watch
TFHRC.GOV - The Sequel!
It was bound to happen. Just when you thought there was one fixed constant in the universe-the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Web site- good old reliable goes wild! New gadgets...
Training Update
Delivering Solutions for a World in Motion
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) reflect an investment in your professional development.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
SeptemberSep 2-4 19981998 World Steel Bridge SymposiumNational Steel Bridge AllianceChicago, Ill....