When Distracted Road Users Cross Paths
Researchers at UNC Charlotte report on their study of the interaction between inattentive drivers and pedestrians at campus crosswalks.
To ABC or Not?
A new decision tool for Accelerated Bridge Construction is helping project planners assess the applicability and effectiveness of this technique at specific locations.
In Pursuit of Sustainable Highways
A new self-evaluation tool, an expert working group, and research on new paving systems are among the ways FHWA is helping transportation agencies meet present and future needs.
Finding The Right Tool for The Job
Crash modification factors, when used properly, can help transportation engineers identify and apply the most appropriate countermeasures for increasing roadway safety.
Transporation Operations Laboratory: Article II - A Living Outdoor Laboratory
FHWA's new Cooperative Vehicle-Highway testbed will serve as a proving ground for wireless technologies that connect vehicles with infrastructure.
What's in the Numbers?
Here's a snapshot of the history of FHWA's Highway Statistics and a sampling of the data that make the publication so highly respected and so fascinating.
Guest Editorial
A Home for Highway Statistics
Have you ever wondered how much travel occurs on the Nation's highways? And how many gallons of gasoline are consumed annually for highway travel, and the amount of revenue the tax on those...
Along the Road
Policy and Legislation
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
Web-Based Tools Help With Travel Data Analysis
Why do people travel? What modes of transportation do they use? How long are their trips? Where do they go? The answers to these questions and more are what the Federal Highway Administration's...
Training Update
Updated Course Can Help With Designing Safer Highways
In 2010, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) expanded the Crash Prediction Module of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), a suite of software tools that analyze the safety of...
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar