The Quest for Zero Fatalities
A comprehensive program aims to eliminate deaths on Utah's roadways.
LTAP/TTAP: 25 Years of Service
Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Programs rise to the challenge of meeting transportation needs at the local level.
Bringing Freight Lessons Home
Lessons from other nations on improving freight transportation indicate the need to set a clear national vision and coordinate public and private action effectively.
News on Nanotechnology
Recent nanoscience research improves understanding of cement and concrete properties and looks to the next generation of highway pavements.
Guest Editorial
New Era for Highways Demands New Financing
For nearly a year, Americans have been driving less and, as a result, buying less gasoline and diesel.
Along the Road
Management and Administration
Faster commutes, more parking, and improved transit are on the way for the Twin Cities area.
Internet Watch
Using Podcasts to Listen and Learn
Headphone wearing and rhythmic head bobbing are telltale signs.
Training Update
NHI Promotes In-Place Asphalt Recycling
According to the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), asphalt is the most recycled product in the world.
Communication Product Updates
Communication Product Updates
Below are brief descriptions of products recently published online by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar