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Public Roads - Nov/Dec 2000

Training Update

NHI Unveils New Web Site

nhilogo_3The National Highway Institute (NHI)

901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 300

Arlington, VA 22203

NHI Unveils New Web Site

NHI has a new Web site that will allow customers to have an easier time searching for courses. The site features an instant jump to the Transportation Training Resources Catalog, a publication that includes NHI's courses, as well as classes from other transportation training organizations. The Web site can be viewed at

New Courses Offered

Computerized Traffic Signal Systems (#133010) covers the technical issues of a computerized traffic control system and the steps necessary to develop and manage a system. This course will be available in March 2001.

CORSIM (#137022) will be available in January 2001. This seminar provides an understanding of CORSIM - a tool that simulates traffic and traffic control conditions on combined surface-street and freeway networks.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Procurement (#137020) addresses the challenges in procuring ITS within the traditional construction project environment.

Management and Operations of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) (#137027) will be available in March 2001. This course covers guidelines that can be used by ITS professionals to assess and further their own management and operations needs and practices.

Pavement Preservation (#131054) provides an introduction to the concept of pavement preventive maintenance, including a description of currently available tools and technology that make the implementation of a pavement preventive maintenance (PPM) program feasible.

Using the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture for Deployment (#137013) will be available in January 2001. This course looks at the tools and methodologies needed to design an architecture for an area. A copy of the ITS Architecture CD-ROM is included.

Please consult the NHI Web site <> for the course location nearest you, or call course coordinator Lynn Cadarr at (703) 235-0528.