Trip Traces
To improve safety, the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study is collecting data on what happens when people crash, experience a near-crash -- or drive without incident.
The Road Not Taken
Here's how Los Angeles survived and thrived during two weekend closures of its busiest freeway.
Using Risk to Drive Safety Investments
Applying a systemic approach can help States get the biggest bang for their buck in reducing crashes.
Shouldering The Load
The use of paved shoulders as temporary travel lanes adds capacity when it's needed most.
Bridging The Digital Divide
The challenges of information accessibility have prompted efforts to digitize backlogs of transportation resources currently in analog formats.
Guest Editorial
A Holistic Approach to Roadway Safety
More than 32,000 people lost their lives in motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2011. Because these crashes are often the result of multiple contributing factors, the solutions to saving...
Internet Watch
A New Home for Transportation Software
AASHTOWare® -- a suite of software for designing and managing infrastructure projects -- has helped transportation professionals monitor costs, schedules, inventories, inspections, safety, and...
Training Update
Bridge Inspection Goes Virtual
The Nation's bridge infrastructure depends heavily on the work of inspectors to ensure safety and performance. A high level of expertise is required to ensure that bridges meet an exacting set of...
Communication Product Updates
Communication Product Updates
Below are brief descriptions of communications products recently developed by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology. All of the reports are or...