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Public Roads - May/June 2000

Training Update

ITS PCB Web Page is Now Available


The National Highway Institute (NHI)

901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 300

Arlington, VA 22203


The ITS Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program Web page is now available at The ITS PCB Program was formed to assist transportation professionals in developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to deploy, operate, and manage ITS projects. The program is multi-modal in nature, addressing the needs of professionals at all levels of government and within academia, professional associations, and public and private sector transportation agencies. The Web site provides a comprehensive description of the ITS PCB Program offerings available to transportation professionals. It also includes links to other relevant Web sites and names of individuals who can assist in further building ITS professional capacity. The four elements incorporated into the Web site include: training, education, technical assistance, and information outreach and dissemination. For more information contact Thomas Humphrey at (202) 366-2211 or

New Courses Offered

International Pavement Technology Program (#13160) is designed to provide a forum for course participants to learn and share ideas on many aspects of highway pavements. Scheduled for April 4-13 in Reno, Nevada, this course is intended for international pavement professionals and from engineers from government and industry in the United States. The course content comprises selected units from three NHI courses: Techniques for Pavement Rehabilitation, Pavement Distress Identification, and Pavement Management Systems. The program is built around the needs and interests of the participants. Several of the instructors have significant international experience which they will use to generate class discussion and help identify successful practices from other countries. For more information contact Pat Lees at (775) 329-4955 or

Intelligent Transportation System Procurement (#13620) is intended to heighten awareness of the challenges in procuring ITS within the traditional construction project environment. This one-day course combines lectures with presentation of case studies to describe the lessons learned from past ITS projects, and explain how this can be incorporated to help ensure successful procurement. This seminar is a companion to, but not a prerequisite for ITS Software Acquisition.

Please consult the NHI Web site for a course location nearest you, or call course coordinator Lynn Cadarr at (703) 235-0528.