Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
May 2000
May 1-4 2000
ITS 2000
ITS America
Boston, Mass.
Katrina Mayo
(202) 484-4549
May 10-13 2000
17th Annual Conf. and Expo on High-Speed Ground Transportation
High-Speed Ground Transportation Association
Philadelphia, Pa.
Mark Dysart
(202) 789-7883
May 18-19 2000
AZTech Showcase
Phoenix, Ariz.
(480) 759-7883
May 21-24 2000
10th International Congress on Polymers
in Concrete (ICPIC)
Honolulu, Hawaii
Association Concepts
(248) 848-3820
Fax: (248) 848-3801
May 22-25 2000
Introduction to Travel Demand Forecasting
Atlanta, Ga.
Ben Williams
June 2000
June 3-9 2000
Community Transportation Expo 2000
Community Transportation Association of America
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
National Transit Resource Center
(800) 527-8279
June 14-16 2000
Second International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design
Transportation Research Board; Forschungsgesellschaft fur Strassen und Verkehrswesen (FGSV)
Mainz, Germany
Raymond A. Krammes
(202) 493-3312
June 21-22 2000
Surface Transport 2000
Transportation Research Laboratory
Berkshire, England
Patricia Pascoe
44 (0) 1344 770166
Fax: 44 (0) 1344 770880
June 27-July 1 2000
4th International Symposium on Highway Capacity -- Pacific Rim
Transportation Research Board
Maui, Hawaii
Richard Cunard
(202) 334-2934
Fax: (202) 334-2003
June 27-28 2000
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design
Raleigh, N.C.
Mike Smith (
June 28-July 1 2000
American Society of State Highway Engineers National Conference
American Society of State Highway Engineers
Bismarck, N.D.
Paul Zent (
(701) 328-3482
July 2000
July 9-13 2000
39th Annual Workshop on Transportation Law
Transportation Research Board
Minneapolis, Minn.
James McDaniel
(202) 334-2933
July 16-20 2000
9th AASHTO/TRB Maintenance Management Conference
Transportation Research Board
Juneau, Alaska
Frank Lisle
(202) 334-2933
July 23-26 2000
Conference on Transportation and Environment for the 21st Century
Transportation Research Board
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jon Williams
(202) 334-2933
August 2000
Aug 13-16 2000
The Rural Advanced Technology and Transportation Systems 2000 International Conference
Missouri Highway and Transportation Department
Branson, Mo.
Pete Costello
(202) 484-4668
Aug 14-17 2000
International Symposium and Innovative Technology Trade Show:
Moving Innovation into Practice for a Sustainable Future
Civil Engineering Research Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 842-0555
Fax: (202) 789-2943
August 27-31 2000
2000 North American Travel Monitoring
Exhibition and Conference
Transportation Research Board
Madison, Wis.
Thomas Palmerlee
(202) 334-2907
Paul Stein
(608) 266-8678
September 2000
Sep 5-9 2000
5th International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control
TRB, Virginia DOT
Roanoke, Va.
Perry Cogburn
(804) 786-6824
Frank Lisle
(202) 334-2933
Sep 6-7 2000
5th Annual Eastern Winter Road Maintenance Symposium and Equipment Exposition
FHWA, Virginia DOT
Roanoke, Va.
Deborah Vocke
(410) 962-3744
Perry Cogburn
(804) 786-6824
Sep 25-27 2000
International Symposium on High-Performance Concrete
Orlando, Fla.
Terry Halkyard
(202) 366-6765
October 2000
Oct 17-19 2000
6th International Symposium on Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Research
University of Tennessee Transportation Center; Southeastern Transportation Center
Knoxville, Tenn.
Judy Wilbur
(865) 974-5255
December 2000
Dec 10-14 2000
Sharing Technologies in the 21st Century
The University of Texas, FHWA, and Pan American Institute of Highways
Austin, Texas
Sharon Campos
(512) 232-5168
Fax: (512) 471-0831
Dec 11-15 2000
International Conf. on the Application of Geophysics to Transportation Planning, Construction, and Maintenance
St. Louis, Mo.
Barry Berkovitz