Message from Kenneth R. Wykle
I am pleased to congratulate Public Roads on its 80th anniversary.
Message from Rodney E. Slater
On behalf of President Clinton, it is my pleasure to congratulate Public Roads on its 80th anniversary. Few magazines can boast of being in publication for so long.
Message from Dr. Thomas D. Larson
When he was the federal highway administrator, Dr. Larson initiated the discussion that led to the recent changes in the scope of Public Roads.
Public Roads: 80 Years Old, But The Best Is Yet to Come
Public Roads was first published in May 1918. So, that makes the magazine 80 years old. But this is not an old, stodgy magazine. Public Roads maintains the strength, vitality, energy, and...
Celebrate International Highway Transportation Safety Week 1998
Planning to travel on America's highways this summer? The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hopes you'll tune in to some important highway safety messages before you go.
Wealth of Information Presented At Superpave Conference
"We cannot expect the technology of the World War II erato meet the demands of our nation today," said Federal Highway AdministratorKenneth Wykle. "In the past 10 years alone, traffic volume in...
AASHTO's Sitemanager Tames Contract Documentation
A single highway construction contract can easily produce 10,000 pages of documents. In a state, such as Iowa, that awards an average of 300 highway contracts annually, the contracts let in only...
Intermodal Connectors: NHS Catches Up to The 1990s
When Kedzie Avenue in Chicago was built during the early part of this century, it seemed adequate for its job. Running through a residential neighborhood in South Chicago, the curving city street...
The ITS Joint Program Office: Structuring The Future
On April 21, 1998, Dr. Christine Johnson, director of the Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (JPO) was interviewed by Bob Bryant, editor of...
ISTEA's Tribal Technical Assistance Program Legacy
Many within the transportation community are familiar with the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) technology transfer centers and the services they...
Pride in Accomplishment: The Interstate H-3 Project
Hawaii, America's 50th state, is known around the world for gentle trade winds and tropical beauty. While Hawaii takes pride in these natural wonders, we are also proud of our human achievements...
Highway Financing
While many in the transportation community know something about the overall world of highway financing, most are not aware of its magnitude, complexity, intergovernmental nature, or - most...
HIPERPAV: A User-Friendly Tool to Help Us 'Build It Right'
HIPERPAV is a user-friendly, Windows®-based computer program that provides guidance on the design and construction of concrete pavement.
Editor's Notes
Editor's Notes
Solve real-world, highway-related problems. In a nutshell, that's the mission of the Research, Technology, and Training Program of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Along the Road
Policy and Legislation
"Along the Road" is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
Questions and Answers With Webmaster Kristin Iden
Kristin Iden is the Webmaster/electronic publishing specialist for the Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) in McLean, VA.
Training Update
Delivering Solutions for a World in Motion
New Training Courses NHI has redesigned two of its civil rights courses. Conducting EEO Contract Compliance Reviews (Course #36114) reviews equal opportunity laws regarding the hiring of...
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
MayMay 11-12 1998International Road Safety Audit ForumARRB Transport ResearchMelbourne, Australia...