Small State, Big Vision
Rhode Island is constructing an intermodal transportation facility to connect an existing interstate and airport with a new train station and rental car garage.
Recruiting Effort Is a Sweet Success
Promising careers — and brownies — entice a diverse pool of young people to consider the transportation construction field in Florida.
The Positive Legacy of a Bridge Collapse
The ripple effect of a 1989 bridge failure is still felt today as engineers and safety experts continue to update specifications for the construction of temporary shoring.
Taking Stock: Climate Change and Transportation
An overview of current activities, mitigation technologies, and adaptation strategies, including a sample greenhouse gas inventory by a State DOT.
Reclaiming Roads
A national effort is underway to capitalize on the economic and environmental benefits of recycling asphalt pavements.
Watching Out for Senior Walkers
An NHTSA workshop educates local transportation engineers, law enforcement officers, elected officials, and others on how to increase safety for older pedestrians.
A Decade of Safety Success
The national effort to raise awareness of dangers near roadway construction passes a major milestone.
Guest Editorial
Recycling and Reuse in the Highway Industry
Along the Road
Management and Administration
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
FHWA Launches Online Clearinghouse For Crash Modification Factors
Transportation professionals continually strive to determine more effective ways to identify, implement, and evaluate cost-effective solutions to improve roadway safety.
Training Update
RSA Training Helps Virginia Reach Stellar Levels
Although Virginia has the third-largest State-maintained highway system in the country, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has drastically reduced its construction program since 2002...
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar