Hyperfix 65/70
Indiana closed a major interstate corridor for repairs and reopened it a month ahead of schedule.
Coordinating Incident Response
Guidelines demonstrate how agencies can apply unified command to managing highway emergencies.
Erosion Control With Recycled Materials
Texas produced an award-winning program for using compost to control soil erosion along roadways.
Glenwood Canyon 12 Years Later
More than a decade after its completion, has this marvel of highway engineering in western Colorado attained its original goals?
A Tale of Two Canyons
Colorado DOT applies lessons learned from the Glenwood project to a similar highway in the Snowmass valley, near the famed Aspen ski resort.
Spotlight on The South
Innovative highway projects in seven southern States demonstrate environmental leadership.
The AIRS Approach to Analyzing Intersection Crashes
A transportation management center in Kentucky pioneers a new recording system to improve driver safety and accountability.
Resource Center Goes National
Four FHWA regional centers become one national center operating through virtual teams that can be placed anywhere across the country.
Guest Editorial
Effective Stewardship of the Federal-Aid Highway Program Through Federal/State Partnerships
Each year the U.S. Congress entrusts the transportation community with more than $30 billion in Federal-aid highway funds that are apportioned and allocated to State departments of transportation...
Along the Road
Management and Administration
U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta recently joined State and local officials at a historic groundbreaking ceremony for the southernmost segment of a construction project on State Route...
Internet Watch
Measuring the Accuracy of Travel Times
On any given morning, millions of people rush out the door and into their cars to drive to work. In the evening, most people are anxious to get home quickly to spend time with their families or...
Training Update
New Course Provides Instruction on Managing Assets
Today's transportation environment is characterized by high user demand, stretched budgets, declining staff resources, and a system that shows the signs of age.
Communication Product Updates
Communication Product Updates
Below are brief descriptions of products recently published online by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar