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Public Roads - March/April 2001

Training Update

NHI 2001 Catalog Available on CD-ROM


The National Highway Institute (NHI)

901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 300

Arlington, VA 22203


The National Highway Institute Training Resources Catalog 2001 is available in both book and CD-ROM formats. This publication includes not only courses offered by the National Highway Institute, but also surface transportation training programs provided by other non-profit organizations. One change in this year's catalog is a new course numbering system. An additional digit has been inserted in each course number, which allows more flexibility in course numbering and also gives more numbers to choose from in each category. As an example, Urban Drainage Design, course 13027 is now course 135027. To receive a copy of the CD-ROM or the book contact Conni Morse at

New Courses Offered

Development and Implementation of Travel Surveys (#151034) provides transportation planners with information on the development and implementation of the most common types of travel surveys. Much of the course material includes information from the Travel Survey Manual published by FHWA. The course is oriented toward those responsible for survey work and those who use the data collected, such as modeling practitioners.

Advanced Urban Travel Demand Forecasting (#152060) is for more experienced travel forecasters on the use of more advanced methods. This courses builds on the introductory travel demand forecasting course. It consolidates the best procedures and methodologies to estimate demand impacts of a broad range of multimodal infrastructure investment and transportation/land use policy options for system planning.

Newly Revised Course

Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting (#152054) is an introductory course that covers the traditional four-step planning process of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment. It also includes presentations on the development of land use forecasts, network and zone structures and the use of Geographic Information Systems.

Please consult the NHI Web site for the course location nearest you, or call course coordinator Lynn Cadarr at (703) 235-0528.