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Public Roads - March/April 2000

Internet Watch

New Transportation Web Sites Unveiled

FMCSA Creates New Web Site

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has created a new Web site: The site provides valuable data to help those interested in meeting safety, compliance, and enforcement challenges. It includes information about safety programs, rules and regulations, licensing and insurance, the Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) program, the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) System, and accident statistics. Also, a copy of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999, the legislation that created FMCSA, can be downloaded from the site.

The site also offers Analysis and Information Online (A&I). Members of state and local governments, truck and bus drivers, researchers, shippers, insurers, and the general public can have access to truck safety statistics and the most recent safety analysis. A&I has four basic components:

  • SafeStat (Safety Status Measurement System) Online. FMCSA uses this tool to determine the safety status of commercial carriers and to identify and prioritize which motor carriers should receive compliance reviews and roadside inspections. Past performance of individual motor carriers is measured in four safety evaluation areas: Accidents, Driver, Vehicle, and Safety Management.
  • Crash Profiles Online. Visitors to the site can find crash statistics for large trucks in each state and in the District of Columbia and see how those statistics compare to the rest of the nation. The information is presented in tables and graphs and crash locations are displayed on maps.
  • FMCSA Program Performance Measures Online. In this module, one can find information on the effectiveness of roadside inspections and compliance reviews in preventing future truck crashes.
  • Current Truck Safety Analyses Online. FMCSA performs or sponsors numerous analyses of truck safety issues each year. Here, visitors to the site can take a look at the most recent analyses, such as drug and alcohol testing results and new entrant safety.

For more information about the FMCSA Web site, contact David Longo at (202) 366-0456.

ITS PCB Web Page Is Now Available

The ITS Professional Capacity Building (PCB) program Web page is now available. Visit to access information that can assist transportation professionals in developing the skills to develop and manage ITS projects.

The ITS PCB program was formed to assist transportation professionals in developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to deploy, operate, and manage ITS projects. The program is multi-modal in nature, addressing the needs of professionals on all levels of government and within academia, professional associations, and public and private sector transportation agencies. The Web site provides a comprehensive description of the ITS PCB program offerings available to transportation professionals. It also includes links to other relevant Web sites and names of individuals who can assist in building the skills necessary to effectively manage ITS projects. The four elements incorporated into the Web site include: training, education, technical assistance, and information outreach and dissemination. For more information, contact Thomas Humphrey at (202) 366-2211 or