Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
March 2000
March 6 2000
Speed Management Workshop:
The Practice of Setting and Enforcing Realistic Speed Limits
Dallas, Texas
Earl Hardy
(202) 366-4292
March 22-26 2000
ARTBA Annual Convention
Amerian Road and Transportation
Builders Association
Washington, DC
(202) 289-4434
Fax: (202) 289-4435
March 26-29 2000
AASHTO GIST 2000 Symposium
American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials
Minneapolis, Minn.
Larry Miller
(202) 289-624-8480
April 2000
April 3-5 2000
5th International Bridge
Engineering Conference
Tampa, Fla.
Bill Dearasaugh
(202) 334-2934
Fax: (202) 334-2003
April 4-6 2000
10th International Conference and Exhibition
on Road Transport Information and Control
Institution of Electrical Engineers
London, England
Anna Robinson
+44 (0) 171 344 5472
Fax: + 44 (0) 171 240 8830
April 7-11 2000
AASHTO Spring Meeting
American Association of State Highway
Transportation Officials
St. George, Utah
Hannah Whitney
April 9-14 2000
AASHTO National Transportation
Management Conference
American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Donna Tamburelli
(202) 624-5815
April 10-11 2000
2000 Minnesota Spring Maintenance Expo
Minnesota DOT, Minnesota Local Road Research Board,
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Street
Superintendents Association, Minnesota Public
Works Association
St. Cloud, Minn.
Minnesota DOT
(651) 582-1775
April 10-12 2000
Superpave: Building Roads for the 21st Century
Asphalt Institute and FHWA
Denver, Colo.
Kelly Pinson
(606) 288-4963
May 2000
May 21-24 2000
10th International Congress on Polymers
in Concrete (ICPIC)
Honolulu, Hawaii
Association Concepts
(248) 848-3820
Fax: (248) 848-3801
June 2000
June 14-16 2000
Second International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design
Transportation Research Board; Forschungsgesellschaft fur Strassen und Verkehrswesen (FGSV)
Mainz, Germany
Raymond A. Krammes
(202) 493-3312
June 21-22 2000
Surface Transport 2000
Transportation Research Laboratory
Berkshire, England
Patricia Pascoe
44 (0) 1344 770166
Fax: 44 (0) 1344 770880
June 28-July 1 2000
American Society of State Highway Capacity -- Pacific Rim
Transportation Research Board
Maui, Hawaii
Richard Cunard
(202) 334-2934
Fax: (202) 334-2003
July 2000
July 9-13 2000
39th Annual Workshop on Transportation Law
Transportation Research Board
Minneapolis, Minn.
James McDaniel
(202) 334-2933
July 16-20 2000
9th AASHTO/TRB Maintenance Management Conference
Transportation Research Board
Juneau, Alaska
Frank Lisle
(202) 334-2933
July 23-26 2000
Conference on Transportation and Environment for the 21st Century
Transportation Research Board
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jon Williams
(202) 334-2933
August 2000
Aug 14-17 2000
International Symposium and Innovative Technology Trade Show:
Moving Innovation into Practice for a Sustainable Future
Civil Engineering Research Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 842-0555
Fax: (202) 789-2943
August 27-31 2000
2000 North American Travel Monitoring
Exhibition and Conference
Transportation Research Board
Madison, Wis.
Thomas Palmerlee
(202) 334-2907
Paul Stein
(608) 266-8678
December 2000
Dec 10-14 2000
Sharing Technologies in the 21st Century
The University of Texas, FHWA, and Pan American Institute of Highways
Austin, Texas
Sharon Campos
(512) 232-5168
Fax: (512) 471-0831
Dec 11-15 2000
International Conf. on the Application of Geophysics to Transportation Planning, Construction, and Maintenance
St. Louis, Mo.
Barry Berkovitz