National Research Projects on Recycling in Highway Construction
This article describes several recently completed or ongoing research projects pertaining to recycling in highway construction.
The Recycled Materials Resource Center
The Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC) is a national center created to promote the appropriate use of recycled materials in the highway environment.
Lessons Learned: TxDOT's Efforts to Increase The Use of Recycled Materials
"Why should I read this article?" you may be thinking.
How NCDOT Is Building A Recycling Culture
In 1999, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) decreased landfill waste by nearly 4,000 tons (3,628 metric tons) through recycling and waste-reduction activities.
National Transportation Week: Sounding Reveille for Transportation
National Transportation Week (NTW) 2000 was celebrated May 14 through 20.
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures Can Carry The Load
Four years ago, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research geologist Michael Adams successfully smashed the world’s record for load capacity and applied pressure on a geosynthetic reinforced...
Scanning European Advances in The Use of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction
Recycled materials that have suitable engineering, environmental, and economic properties can be used as substitutes for natural aggregates or materials in the construction of highway...
'Managing' Change In FHWA
Identifying and implementing change is everyone’s responsibility.
Highways and Bridges on The Brink of The New Century
During the 1990s, lawmakers decided to channel more money into the nation’s highways and bridges — a policy that has now begun to pay off with better pavement, improved bridges, and higher levels...
The National IVI Meeting
The National IVI (Intelligent Vehicle Initiative) Meeting will be held on July 18 and 19, 2000, at the Ronald Reagan Building and Trade Center in Washington, D.C.
Guest Editorial
Editor's Notes
Today, it seems as if almosteverything can be recycled - from household items, such as glass, tin cans,and plastic bottles, to automobile tires and other car parts, electric appliances,and the...
Along the Road
Along The Road
"Along the Road" is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
Internet Watch
The World Wide Web has inched its way from our libraries and offices into our homes and cafes, and now even into the cabs of big rigs.
Training Update
The National Highway Institute (NHI)
In an effort to recognize the vital part that instructors play in the training process, the first National Highway Institute (NHI) Instructor Conference will be held October 18-20, 2000.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
July 2000July 9-13 200039th Annual Workshop on Transportation LawTransportation Research BoardMinneapolis, Minn.James...