NHI's Instructor Certification Program
The National Highway Institute (NHI), the Federal Highway Administration's external training arm, has implemented a far-reaching program to upgrade the skills of its instructors and to ensure that...
Another Step Toward A Nationally Integrated Traveler Information System
Just about everywhere you look these days, one can find some form of traveler information. In metropolitan areas, national parks, rural areas, and along interstate corridors, traveler information...
Highways and The New Wave of Economic Growth
Transportation improvements have preceded every stage of industrial development in human history. As Dr. John Kasarda at the University of North Carolina has noted, transportation was a critical...
FHWA Fiber-Optics Research Program: Critical Knowledge For Infrastructure Improvement
Thousands of motorists driving across a nondescript highway bridge on Interstate 10 in Las Cruces, N.M., have no idea that they are participating in a landmark research program.
Pothole Patchers Demonstrated in California
Nothing can mess up an automobile wheel alignment and a motorist's disposition quite as quickly as a "good" pothole. Perhaps, we should say a big pothole because there's no such thing as a good...
Managing Car-Crunching Sinkholes
A 4-meter section of the eastbound driving lane of Interstate 70 in Guernsey County, Ohio, suddenly collapsed on March 4, 1995.
FHWA Helps Restore Historic Neighborhood In Los Angeles
The Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) joined the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the cityof Los Angeles, and neighborhood redevelopment agencies to restore some...
The Hoover Dam Bypass
More than 63 years after its completion, Hoover Dam remains one of the world's most impressive architectural and engineering triumphs.
FHWA Presents The 1999 Environmental Excellence Award Winners
This article was adapted from information provided by the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Planning and Environment.
Sign Simulator Validated In FHWA Study
"Signsim" is the sign simulator used by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to evaluate a group of traffic signs that were proposed as national standards.
All's Quiet on The Wasatch Front: Technology Keeps Traffic Moving
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) recently launched CommuterLink, an intelligent transportation system of electronic traffic equipment, computers, and communication systems, to make...
Top 10 Construction Achievements of The 20th Century
This article is adapted from information provided by CONEXPO-CON/AGG '99, which bills itself as the largest construction, aggregates, and ready mixed concrete industries trade show in the Western...
Editor's Notes
Editor's Notes
The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) is a year old. The bill was passed by the Congress on May 22, 1998, and President Clinton signed it into law on June 9, 1998.
Along the Road
Policy and Legislation
"Along the Road" is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
Portals and Communities: Clearing Out the Internet Jungle
Do you remember when the World Wide Web was just a massive collection of pages, unorganized and unsorted? Remember when it was so hard to find anything of value or interest, especially of value or...
Training Update
Earthquake Engineering Course Available
NHI course #13239, Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering: Module 9 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, is now available.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
JulyJuly 21-25 1999Statewide PlanningTransportation Research BoardGirdwood, AlaskaJim Scott...