Linking Drivers and Roads
The United States is taking a giant leap toward a nationwidewireless system of connected vehicles and smart infrastructure. How? By meansof the world's largest real-world test.
An Eight-Lane, Four-Bore Hole in One
After 2 years of digging, Caltrans is teeing up to completethe newest portal of the Caldecott Tunnel, which promises congestion reliefbetween Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Why Drivers Do What They Do
Read on to find out how researchers at FHWA's Human FactorsLaboratory are studying motorists' behaviors. The potential dividends aresignificant.
From Milepost to Milestone: Innovative Mitigation
A one-of-a-kind information center in downtown Seattle helpsWashington State alleviate a new tunnel's impact on a historic district.
America's Byways Pay Off in Authentic Experiences, But How About Dollars?
Does designation as one of America's Byways have aquantitative impact on a community's economy? Here's how to find out.
Guest Editorial
Tunneling Toward the Future
The United States is home to more than 300 highway tunnels.A significant number of these were constructed during the development of theinterstate highway system in the 1950s and 1960s.
Along the Road
Management and Administration
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
FHWA Site Highlights Revenue, Finance Options for Major Projects
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) established its Officeof Innovative Program Delivery in 2008 to provide tools, expertise, andfinancing to help the transportation community develop...
Training Update
Ensuring the Integrity of Bridges
In April 1987, a catastrophic failure of the SchoharieCreek bridge on the New York State Thruway caused 10 deaths.
Communication Product Updates
Communication Product Updates
Below are brief descriptions of communications products recently developed by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology. All of the reports are or...
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar