Managing Traffic Operations During Adverse Weather Events
FHWA is working with transportation and meteorological experts to develop strategies to reduce crashes and delays due to storms and harsh atmospheric conditions.
Twisting Roads Still Spell Trouble
FHWA and States have joined forces on research to improve safety at curves, where crash fatality rates remain comparatively high.
Winds, Windstorms, and Hurricanes
FHWA's Aerodynamics Laboratory is working on a number of research fronts to make bridges more resilient.
Using GPR to Unearth Sensor Malfunctions
Ground-penetrating radar assesses loop detectors to determine necessary repairs so that all vehicles, including motorcycles, will be able to trigger traffic signals.
Traffic Simulation Runs: How Many Needed?
FHWA conducted a CORSIM case study to examine the validity of computer models for generating results that are reliable enough to make transportation investment decisions.
Pooling Talent and Technologies
How University Transportation Centers are improving transportation through innovative partnerships, creating a win-win for government, universities, industry -- and motorists.
Guest Editorial
New Foundationfor Transportation Operations of the Future
In the past, the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA)Office of Operations Research and Development (R&D) focused on developing technology in an evolutionary fashion.
Along the Road
Management and Administration
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Internet Watch
Every Day Counts in Building Transportation Infrastructure
In a time of constrained resources, governments at all levels are looking for ways to give taxpayers maximum value for every dollar. Transportation is no exception.
Training Update
The National Highway Institute (NHI)
As the Nation's bridges age and experience increased use from year to year, the need to improve and maintain them becomes more critical.
Communication Product Updates
Communication Product Updates
Below are brief descriptions of communications products recently developed by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology.
Conferences/Special Events Calendar
Conferences/Special Events Calendar