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Public Roads - January/February 2000

Training Update

Delivering Solutions for a World in Motion


The National Highway Institute (NHI)

901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 300

Arlington, VA 22203


NHI Unveils New Web Site

Several new enhancements have been made to the NHI Web site, including the ability for students to pay course fees with their credit cards. NHI can also receive requests for course presentations via the Web site. Please look at the improved site at to see these changes, as well as others.

One added feature on the Web site is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on different topics. An area included in FAQ is the Instructor Certification Program. Listed below is a sample of what appears on the Web site about this topic.

Q: What is the NHI Instructor Certification Program?

A: The NHI Instructor Certification Program introduces both new and experienced instructors to the specific components of "learner-centered" instruction methods, which are suitable for adult learners. NHI believes that if training courses are to achieve their desired objectives, they must be presented in a way that clearly demonstrates how employees can use the knowledge and skills they have gained from a specific course.

NHI has outlined a set of competencies selected from a national, validated set prepared by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). Using these competencies, a skilled trainer emphasizes the use of experiential learning techniques -- such as problem-solving analysis, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and experimentation exercises -- that tap into the knowledge and skills that an adult learner brings to the classroom.

Q: Who is eligible to become an NHI Certified Instructor?

A: Any FHWA employee or contract instructor who currently teaches for NHI is eligible. FHWA employees whose new job responsibilities require training or technical assistance for customers may also apply for certification. Priority will be given to active FHWA instructors.

Q: What is the certification process like?

A: The process begins with a discussion with a master trainer, who will observe the classroom presentation. This observation can last from one day to the end of the course, depending on how long it takes the master trainer to observe all the skills necessary for certification. If the required skills are demonstrated, the individual observed will be considered "certified."

Please consult the NHI Web site for a course location nearest you, or call course coordinator Lynn Cadarr at (703) 235-0528.

Check every issue of Public Roads for the latest training and educational activities of the NHI.