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Bicyclist- and Pedestrian-Only Roundabouts 508 Caption

Bicyclist- and Pedestrian-Only Roundabouts

Diagram. This diagram depicts a bicycle-pedestrian roundabout on the Minneapolis trail system. A circle is drawn with a thin white rim around it, labeled pedestrian path, which goes around the exterior of the roundabout. Within this is a broader rough circle of dark green, labeled prairie plantings. Within this circle is a circle of gray, with four spokes, spaced unevenly, protruding from it and through the green circle and rim. The gray circle and spokes are labeled bicycle path and depict the roundabout itself and its entry and exit ways. Each spoke has a white triangle as a median to help direct traffic on and off. Within this gray circle is another dark green circle, which is the center of the roundabout. On the rim of this dark green circle, and in an X pattern across it with a bull's-eye at the center, are thin, tan, segmented lines, which are labeled stone roundhouses. The gray spoke in the upper right corner (northeast on a compass)is labeled east to Midtown Greenway. The spoke just to the right of center in the bottom (nearly south on a compass) is labeled south to Lake Street. The spoke in the lower left corner (southwest) is labeled west to Midtown Greenway. The last spoke is at the far left of the diagram but is not labeled.


The Sound of Safety

Map. This map of Arizona and its roadways shows the locations of the five study sites. According to a key in the lower left, red circles denote mileposts, green circles denote kilometer posts, solid black lines represent State highways, dotted black lines represent planned or unbuilt roads, dots surrounded by circles signify cities and towns, and gray dashed lines signify county boundaries. In the lower right is a compass symbol and a scale in miles, from 0 to 80 (0 to 129 kilometers) in 10-mile (16-kilometer) intervals. Five ovals of different sizes are clustered in the north-central part of the State, circling the stretches of roadway involved in the study. The westernmost oval, in a roughly east-west orientation at the State border with Utah, encircles SR-389. East of this, in a roughly north-south orientation, is the biggest oval, encircling U.S. 89. Southeast of this, in a roughly northeast-southwest orientation, is a small oval encircling U.S. 160. South of the big oval, also in a rough north-south direction, is a small oval encircling another portion of U.S. 89. Adjacent to this toward the northwest, and in a northwest-southeast orientation, is a small oval encircling SR-64.


Electronic Freight Management

Diagram.This diagram features two tables (left and center), a series of illustrations representing different steps in freight movement (top, center, bottom), and two tabular lists (right). The table at the far left is labeled Available Status Messages and features three columns and nine rows. The left column is unlabeled at the top but has rows labeled Buyer, Mfg A, Mfg K, FF #1, FF #2, Air Carrier #3, Air Carrier #7, Broker A, and…. The second column is labeled Booked by Mfg, and an X appears in this column beside Buyer, FF #1, and FF #2. The third column is labeled Received by Freight Forwarder, and an X appears in this column beside Buyer and Mfg A. The second table, Shipment Roles, features six columns and seven rows. The column labels in this table are as follows, from left to right: Consignments, Mfg, Freight Fwrd, Air Carrier, Broker, and…. Beneath Consignments, the rows are labeled UCR #1, UCR #2, UCR #3, UCR #4, UCR #5, and…. Under Mfg, the rows are as follows: Mfg A, Mfg A, Mfg K, Mfg A, and Mfg K. Under Freight Fwrd are FF #2, FF #1, FF #2, FF #2, and TBD. Under Air Carrier are Air #7, Air #3, Air #3, TBD, and TBD. Under Broker are Broker A, Broker A, Broker A, Broker A, and Broker A. Above these two tables is a series of illustrations. An icon of a truck is at the top left, connected by a line to a person icon, then a person icon facing right is connected by a line to a factory icon, which is connected by a line to another truck, which is connected by a line to an airplane icon, and then to an air terminal icon. The tabular lists at the right are labeled Status and Shipment Info, but only the Status list is visible. To the left of each item on the list is an oval, indicating a punch list. To the right of the first oval is Manufacturer: Booked. The next line is Manufacturer: Tendered. The next lines are Freight Forwarder: Received, Freight Forwarder: Docs Rcvd, Air Terminal: Received, Air Carrier: Department, Air Carrier: Arrived, Air Carrier: Departed, Broker: Customs Filed, Air Carrier: Arrived, Air Terminal: Received, Truck: Received, CFS: Received, Broker: Customs Released, CFS: Docs Received, and CFS: Dispatched. On the last line is CFS: Delivered.
