PennDOT Agility Program: Building Partnerships and Breaking Boundaries
Pennsylvania enters its 26th year of enhancing transportation services across jurisdictions with the Agility Program.
International Lessons Lead to U.S. Successes
The Federal Highway Administration’s Office of International Programs works to access, promote, and disseminate global best practices and technical innovations to ensure a safe and efficient U.S....
Delivering Resiliency
The Multiple Benefits of the Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program
Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) Research Program: Development, Testing, and Evaluation
FHWA’s CDA Program updates and research and development activities.
Nondestructive Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck with Overlays
FHWA’s NDE Laboratory identified effective and promising technologies for detecting and characterizing deterioration in concrete bridge decks with overlays.
The Local Technical Assistance Program: 40 Years of Service and Support for Local Transportation Across the Nation
This year, the Local Technical Assistance Program celebrates its 40th anniversary serving local road agencies throughout the Nation.
Guest Editorial
Putting the “World” into a World-Class Highway System
FHWA's Office of International Programs help advance a world-class highway system.
What's New
55 Years Ago: Echoes of the Past
55 Years after DOT opened, some of our concerns seem very familiar.
Innovation Corner
Build a Better Mousetrap Winners Transform Transportation in Their Communities
Build a Better Mousetrap winners solve problems through innovation, creativity.
Along the Road
Along the Road
Along the Road is the place to look for information about current and upcoming activities, developments, trends, and items of general interest to the highway community.
Training Update
Updates on Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Training
NHI hydraulic training series focuses on 2-D modeling.