ELCSI-PFS Publications
The goal of this research is to develop reliable estimates of the effectiveness of the safety and operational improvements identified by the ELCSI-PFS Advisory Committee (TAC). These estimates are determined by conducting scientifically rigorous before-and-after evaluations at sites in the United States where these strategies are being implemented. The ELCSI-PFS facilitates technology transfer and knowledge sharing among State members and FHWA stakeholders.
# | Study Title | Study Products |
1 | Contributing Factors for Focus Crash and Facility Types |
2 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Adaptive Signal Control Technologies |
3 |
Developing Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle Lane Additions by Reducing Lane and Shoulder Widths |
4 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle Lane Treatments at Intersections |
5 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Guardrails, Utility Poles, and Side-Slope Improvements |
6 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for High-Friction Surface Treatments |
7 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Mini Roundabouts |
8 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Variable Speed Limit |
9 | Developing Crash Modification Factors for Wrong Way Driving Low-Cost Safety Improvements |
10 | Development of Crash Modification Factors: Highway Safety Statistical Paper Synthesis |
11 | Enhancing Statistical Methodologies for Highway Safety Research – Impetus From FHWA |
12 | Evaluation of Pavement Safety Performance |
13 | Safety Evaluation of Advance Street Name Signs |
14 | Safety Evaluation of Cable Median Barriers in Combination with Rumble Strips on the Inside Shoulder of Divided Roads |
15 | Safety Evaluation of Center Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes on Two-Lane Roads |
16 | Safety Evaluation of Centerline Plus Shoulder Rumble Strips |
17 | Safety Evaluation of Continuous Green T Intersections |
18 | Safety Evaluation of Corner Clearance at Signalized Intersections |
19 | Safety Evaluation of Edge-Line Rumble Stripes on Rural Two-Lane Horizontal Curves |
20 | Safety Evaluation of Flashing Beacons at STOP-Controlled Intersections |
21 | Safety Evaluation of Flashing Yellow Arrow at Signalized Intersections |
22 | Safety Evaluation of Horizontal Curve Realignment on Rural, Two-Lane Roads |
23 | Safety Evaluation of Improved Curve Delineation |
24 | Safety Evaluation of Increasing Retroreflectivity of STOP Signs |
25 | Safety Evaluation of Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (ICWS) |
26 | Safety Evaluation of Lane and Shoulder Width Combinations on Rural, Two-Lane, Undivided Roads |
27 | Safety Evaluation of Multiple Strategies at Signalized Intersections |
28 | Safety Evaluation of Multiple Strategies at Stop-Controlled Intersections |
29 | Safety Evaluation of Offset Improvements for Left-Turn Lanes |
30 | Safety Evaluation of Pedestrian Countdown Signals |
31 | Safety Evaluation of Profiled Thermoplastic Pavement Markings |
32 | Safety Evaluation of Red-Light Indicator Lights (RLILs) at Intersections |
33 | Safety Evaluation of Signalized Restricted Crossing U-Turn Intersections |
34 | Safety Evaluation of STOP AHEAD Pavement Markings |
35 | Safety Evaluation of Turning Movement Restrictions at Stop-Controlled Intersections |
36 | Safety Evaluation of Wet-Reflective Pavement Markings |
37 | Simulator Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements on Rural Two-Lane Undivided Roads: Nighttime Delineation for Curves and Traffic Calming for Small Towns |