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U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Marks Earth Day with Grants for Scenic Byways

Monday, April 22, 2002
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590

Contact: Lori Irving
Telephone: 202-366-0660
FHWA 13-02

20 Million to Go to 38 States

U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta today celebrated Earth Day by announcing that 136 projects in 38 states will share $20 million in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) scenic byways grants. This funding helps recognize, preserve and enhance America's scenic roads and highways throughout the United States.

"President Bush wants us to celebrate the rich blessings of our nation's natural resources and to take stock of our stewardship of nature's gifts," Secretary Mineta said. "Earth Day provides a special opportunity to appreciate the highways and byways that course through America's spectacular beauty. These funds will help ensure that America's scenic riches remain for generations to come. "

The vision of the National Scenic Byways Program is "to create a distinctive collection of American Roads, their stories and special places." Today's funding is intended to help achieve the vision of the byways program by funding projects that engage volunteers to preserve and enhance these byways; demonstrate environmentally sensitive solutions to problems in preserving these byways; and enable people to walk and bike in natural settings.

National Scenic Byways Discretionary funds enable states to undertake eligible projects along highways designated as All-American Roads, National Scenic Byways and state-designated byways. Eligible under this program are planning projects to inventory, preserve and enhance the qualities of the byway, safety improvements, construction of bike and pedestrian facilities, development of visitor information such as brochures and interpretive facilities and scenic overlooks, resource protection such as scenic easements and byway marketing.

"The projects funded today highlight the importance and value of preserving our scenic vistas and important landscapes through grassroots volunteer efforts," FHWA Administrator Mary E. Peters said. "These efforts also serve as tools to boost local economies through tourism and create a sense of pride."

Besides generating a sense of pride and enthusiasm for those involved, these projects are intended to help carry on a legacy of stewardship. Over 10 years, fiscal years 1992 to 2001, the National Scenic Byways Program has provided $157 million for 1,146 projects in 48 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

Additional information, brochures and maps can be obtained by calling 1-800-4-BYWAYS (1-800-429-9297) or by going to the national scenic byways program website,

The following table lists the scenic byways grants for fiscal year 2002, in some cases pending application approval by FHWA.


State Project Name Amount Funded
Alabama Mobile Bay Causeway* $250,000
Alabama Scenic Byways* $750,000
Total for Alabama (2 projects)
Alaska Seward Highway: Historic Resource Protection & Gold Rush Interpretive Facility $47,228
Seward Highway Millennium Trail Improvements, Alaska 2002 $350,000
Total for Alaska (2 projects)
Arizona Dine'tah (Among the People) Scenic Road $123,200
Scenic Byways Information and Interpretive Program -- Arizona Parkways, Historic and Scenic Road Program $213,800
Total for Arizona (2 projects)
California Stovepipe Wells Sand Dunes Day Use Facilities $300,000
Formation and Structure for Byway Organization--Hwy 1 along the Big Sur Coast $25,000
Carson Pass Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan (CMP) $162,320
Jacinto Reyes Scenic Byway CMP $174,640
Total for California (4 projects)
Colorado Tourism With Tradition: Interpreting the Cultural Qualities of Colorado Byways $25,100
West Elk Loop - Crested Butte to Carbondale Trail Plan $52,000
Frontier Pathways - Goodnight Barn Pullout/Interpretive Planning $16,000
Colorado River Headwaters Interpretive Improvement Plan $56,520
State Technical Assistance Program $80,000
Santa Fe Trail Corridor Management Plan (CMP) Implementation $25,000
Top of the Rockies CMP Implementation - Coordination $25,000
Gold Belt Tour CMP Implementation - Coordinated Marketing $25,000
Grand Mesa CMP Implementation - Organizational Goals $25,000
San Juan Skyway CMP Implementation $25,000
San Juan Skyway - Little Molas Lake Recreation Complex $100,000
Grand Mesa - Summit Trailhead Relocation $135,000
Peak to Peak Education and Land Protection Project $71,501
Total for Colorado (13 projects)
Connecticut Merritt Parkway Landscape Improvements $814,400
Total for Connecticut (1 project)
Delaware Development of the Delaware State Scenic and Historic Highways Program $92,000
Total for Delaware (1 project)
Florida Implementing a Multimodal Greenway System for the Scenic Byway $330,000
Implementing a Gateway System to Enhance Public Accessibility to Intrinsic Resources $78,000
Re-construction of Melbourne Beach Historic Pier $145,346
Total for Florida (3 projects)
Illinois Byway Coordinator for Great River Road in Illinois $25,000
Illinois Lincoln Highway - Corridor Management Grant - Year 2 Administration Funds $25,000
Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway Administrative Management - Year 2 $24,999
Illinois National Road CMP Implementation - Byway Attraction Development $25,000
Ohio River Scenic Route CMP Implementation - Year 2 $25,000
Cumberland County Covered Bridge Pull-off and Interpretive Site $222,482
Illinois Lincoln Highway Interpretive Plan $92,800
Interpretive Center for the State Pond Recreational Area $58,040
Ohio River Scenic Route Recreational Area $374,490
Total for Illinois (9 projects)
Indiana Indiana National Road Administration and Professional Development: Growing the Organization $25,000
Ohio River Scenic Byway CMP Implementation: Administration and Professional Development $25,000
High Street Revitalization Project, Economic Development and Historic Preservation* $375,000
Total for Indiana (3 projects)
Iowa Corridor Management $25,000
Great River Road Interpretive Center and Network of Interpretive Centers $737,376
Great River Birding Trail (Iowa Maps) $16,000
Total for Iowa (3 projects)
Kansas Statewide Scenic Byway Conference 2002 $11,200
Development of Kansas Scenic Byway Website $45,557
Total for Kansas (2 projects)
Kentucky Corridor Management Plan $36,000
Interpretation Plans $204,800
Marketing Materials and Assistance $120,000
Byways Facilities Grant $524,200
Total for Kentucky (4 projects)
Louisiana Hurricane Audrey Museum on the Creole Nature Trail National Scenic Byway $180,000
Seed Grant for the Creole Nature Trail National Scenic Byway $15,000
Louisiana Great Gulf Coast Birding Trail $134,400
Toledo Bend Forest Scenic Byway: Scenic Overlook at Clyde's Crossing $5,040
Toledo Bend Forest Scenic Byway: Marketing through Trade Shows and Press Kits $10,320
Total for Louisiana (5 projects)
Maine Copy of Acadia Byway CMP Implementation $24,000
Old Canada Road CMP Implementation $25,000
Implement Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan - Year Two $25,000
Schoodic Byway Corridor Planning and Administration $24,000
Old Canada Road Gateway Turnout Planning, Design and Land Acquisition $228,000
State Route 27 - Safety Improvements $34,400
Schoodic Byway Gateway Scenic Turnouts $40,800
Electronic Delivery of Scenic Byway Interpretive Information $30,720
Total for Maine (8 projects)
Maryland National Road Corridor Wide Interpretive Panels $301,440
Chesapeake Country Scenic Byway Interpretive Plan $42,960
Chesapeake Country Water Access Improvements $102,110
Charles Street CMP $80,000
Lower Eastern Shore Scenic Byways $60,000
Total for Maryland (5 projects)
Massachusetts Scenic Turnout $69,600
Northfield Main Street Improvement Project $81,400
Millers Falls Streetscape Project $349,000
Route 6A - Old King's Highway $500,000
Total for Massachusetts (4 projects)
Michigan Leelanau Heritage Route CMP Implementation $44,400
Southeast Michigan's Main Street Marketing for Woodward Avenue - Phase III Implementation $536,000
Total for Michigan (2 projects)
Minnesota Edge of the Wilderness Scenic Byway: Seed Grant: 2002 $25,000
Seed Funds to Implement the North Shore CMP - Scenic Byway Component $25,000
Grand Rounds Corridor Management Plan Administration--Volunteer Manager $24,960
CMP Implementation - Increase Grassroots Support $25,000
Integrated Byway Advertising $96,000
Edge of the Wilderness Scenic Byway: Lind-Greenway Mine Interpretive Site Enhancement $40,000
A Grand Journey of Learning: Historic Figures and Stories of the Grand Rounds $24,000
North Shore Scenic Drive Interpretive Plan (East Segment) $72,800
The Great River Birding Trail $25,600
Interpretive Plan for the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway $52,960
Cass Lake Rest Area & Interpretive Center - Site Component $96,000
Total for Minnesota (11 projects)
Mississippi Travelers Information Radio System $7,200
Total for Mississippi (1 project)
Missouri Clarksville/Louisiana Natural/Industrial Interpretative Project $229,680
Hopkin's Schoolhouse Renovation $216,136
Rt. W/WW Cultural and Historical Byway $28,000
Cliff Drive Interpretation - Phase II $133,485
Total for Missouri (4 projects)
Nebraska Nebraska Byways Facilities/Interpretation $220,800
Nebraska Byways - Marketing/Interpretive $85,480
Nebraska Byways CMP/Byway Marketing $141,600
Total for Nebraska (3 projects)
New Hampshire White Mountain Trail Program Development $25,000
Historic Grafton County Court House (Alumni Hall) Restoration as Scenic Byway Interpretive Center $152,425
Northern Forest Visitor and Interpretation Center $324,000
Total for New Hampshire (3 projects)
New Mexico Jemez Mountain Trail Comfort Station $23,200
Implementation of the Jemez Mountain Trail Corridor Management Plan $122,900
Turquoise Trail Interpretive Development Project $62,300
Route 66 Scenic Byways Livable Communities and Transportation $200,000
Total for New Mexico (4 projects)
New York Champlain Canal Scenic Byway - "Old Saratoga" Network of Interpretive Parks $115,000
Central Adirondack Trail Scenic Byway - CMP $110,800
Route 90 Scenic Byway - Scenic Byway Information and Interpretation Center $74,500
Black River Trail Scenic Byway - CMP $102,800
Seaway Trail National Scenic Byway - Comprehensive Byways Bicycle Map and Development Plan $118,080
Total for New York (5 projects)
North Carolina Outdoor Advertising Sign Purchases - Stage 3 $800,000
Total for North Carolina (1 project)
Ohio Development and Implementation of a Statewide Byway Marketing Plan $481,000
Interpretive Gazebo Welcome Centers $200,000
Total for Ohio (2 projects)
Oregon Honeyman State Park Connector Trail $472,000
Total for Oregon (1 project)
Pennsylvania Kinzua Bridge Access - SR 3011 $507,200
Total for Pennsylvania (1 project)
Rhode Island Developement of Corridor Management Plan for Route 114 ( Hope St. & Ferry Rd.) and High St. in Bristol, RI $24,000
Total for Rhode Island (1 project)
South Carolina Ashley River Road Byway Administrator (Seed Funding) $25,000
Planning for Restoration of Historic Structure as a Byway Welcome Center $15,000
Seed Grant II - Expansion of "Grass Roots" Organization $23,280
Total for South Carolina (3 projects)
South Dakota Peter Norbeck National Scenic Byway: Gordon Stockade Restoration and Improvements $516,283
Total for South Dakota (1 project)
Utah Energy Loop Nat'l Scenic Byway - 25K CMP Implementation - Year $25,664
Nebo Loop Nat'l Scenic Byway - 25K CMP Implementation - Year 2 $25,000
Provo Canyon Scenic Byway - Non-Motorized Trail Extension $774,022
Energy Loop Nat'l Scenic Byway - Interpretive Signage $11,120
Total for Utah (4 projects)
Vermont Vergennes Main Street Byway Recreational Access Project - phase 1 $157,466
Total for Vermont (1 project)
Washington Iron Goat Interpretive Site $646,500
Sweet Creek Falls Interpretive Trail Project, Phase I $100,000
Coulees and Canyons Heritage Corridor Great Birding Tour $60,000
Total for Washington (3 projects)
West Virginia Washington Heritage Trail - Seed Grant for Director's Compensation $20,000
Midland Trail $25K CMP Implementation Seed Grant $25,000
Washington Heritage Trail - Official Map/Guide and Training Resource Packet $87,160
West Virginia Byways and Backways Program (FY 2002) $104,080
Promoting Treasures Within the Mountains II $19,000
Little Kanawha Byway/Cedar Creek Road Backway: Brochure and Historic Markers $8,000
Beverly Byway Center $204,000
Cranberry Mountain Nature Center $99,432
Mountain Waters Byway Project #1 $28,570
Copy of Little Kanawha Byway Rathbone Reconstruction Phase II $96,800
Total for West Virginia (10 projects)
Wisconsin Great River Road National Scenic Byway Learning Center Building $700,800
Great River Birding Trail (Wisconsin Maps) $16,000
Total for Wisconsin (2 projects)
Wyoming Big Spring Scenic Backway $21,880
Shell Falls Redevelopment Project--Final Design Phase $248,448
Total for Wyoming (2 projects)

*Eligible pending an approved application
