U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $750,000 in 'Quick Release' Emergency Relief Funds for Flood-Damaged Roads in Iowa

FHWA 16-14
Contact: Neil Gaffney
Tel: 202-366-0660
WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today announced the immediate availability of $750,000 in emergency relief funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to help Iowa cover the costs of repairing roads damaged by flooding earlier this week.
“These funds are a down payment on repairs to help the people of Iowa," said Secretary Foxx. “Helping the state get repairs done quickly and improve conditions in affected areas is a high priority for all of us."
Heavy precipitation during the week of June 16 led to flooding and damage in Iowa’s Woodbury, Lyon, Plymouth, Pocahontas and Sioux Counties. As water moves south and storms move to the east, additional counties could be affected.
“Emergency relief funding like this makes it possible to fast-track repairs to roads throughout Iowa,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau. “The people of Woodbury, Lyon, Plymouth, Pocahontas and Sioux Counties need their roads restored quickly, and FHWA’s Emergency Relief program is designed to help do just that.”
Funds from FHWA’s Emergency Relief Program will reimburse the Iowa Department of Transportation for emergency work done in the immediate aftermath of the flooding. FHWA’s emergency relief program provides funds for the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid roads and bridges damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic events.
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