U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $750,000 in 'Quick Release' Emergency Relief Funds for Washington State

FHWA 31-14
Contact: Nancy Singer
Tel: 202-366-0660
Federal Funds to Help Repair Flood-Damaged Roads in State's North-Central Region
WASHINGTON – U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today announced the immediate availability of $750,000 in Emergency Relief funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to help the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) cover the costs of repairing roads damaged by flash flooding in Twisp, Wash., in Okanogan County.
"Residents in this part of the state are struggling with traffic delays as sections of major highways are out of commission," said Secretary Foxx. "These funds are a down payment and demonstrate the Department's commitment to the people of the Evergreen State as they continue to recover from the flooding."
Recent heavy rains in Okanogan County, in the state's north-central region, resulted in flash flooding on ground already burned by wildfires. The floods ripped through steep terrain that was scorched and lacking in vegetation, severely damaging portions of S.R. 20 and S.R. 153 and completely washing out several other segments.
"FHWA is committed to working with the state until these important connections are repaired," said Acting Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau. "We will continue to provide the federal resources needed to restore them and help get life back to normal for all affected by these heavy rains."
Funds from FHWA's Emergency Relief Program will reimburse the state for emergency work done in the immediate aftermath of the flooding. The agency will provide additional funds as permanent repairs are identified and cost estimates are completed. FHWA's Emergency Relief program provides funds for the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid roads and bridges damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic events.
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