U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Porcari Joins Lt. Governor Brown to Unveil the Second Segment of Maryland's Intercounty Connector
FHWA 64-11
Contact: Nancy Singer
Tel: 202-366-0660
WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary John D. Porcari today joined Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and other state and local officials for the opening of the second segment of the Intercounty Connector (ICC). This new segment will create a safer and less congested route for people traveling between Montgomery and Prince George's counties.
"The ICC will bolster Maryland's economic growth by improving mobility for people and goods," U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said. "This project is a great example of how targeted transportation investments can help restore America's economic competitiveness."
With the opening of this second segment, from MD 97 to I-95, 17.9 miles of the total 18.4 miles of the ICC will be in operation, linking two key corridors in the region, I-270 in Montgomery County and I-95 in Prince George's County. The ICC will improve mobility and safety between I-270 and I-95 and reduce cross-county traffic that currently overburdens hilly, two-lane east-west roads.
"The ICC serves as a vital connection between Montgomery and Prince George's counties, giving people living and commuting through these counties better access to jobs and business opportunities," Deputy Secretary Porcari said.
The ICC project consists of a brand new continuous highway connecting Montgomery and northwestern Prince George's counties, which will promote interaction and business and employment opportunities between the two communities. The ICC will link I-270 and I-95 with an 18-mile, east-west toll road. ICC tolls will vary according to traffic levels throughout the day, and drivers will pay tolls electronically to avoid waiting at tollbooths.
In February, the first completed 7.2 mile segment of the ICC, from I-370 to MD 97, was opened to traffic. The remainder of the work still to be completed consists of improvements to the ramp connections to I-95 and a short extension of the ICC to Route 1, causing little disruption to traffic flow.
The project is being partially funded through a TIFIA (Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act) loan from the U.S. Department of Transportation in the amount of $516 million toward the total project cost of $2.56 billion.
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